The Spirit of Bruce Lee has touched every cor-ner of this earth. In China, the Bruce Lee legacy has reached a young martial artist named Qiao Feng. Qiao have devoted himself to imparting his knowledge and research of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do to the people of China and all Asia. His hope is to preserve and perpetuate the legacy of Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do to all walks of life.
From Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, Qiao have grown into a young warrior. His new book - Sys-tem of Bruce Lee's Kung Fu ... from Wing Chun to JKD will develop a student into a warrior. In fact we are all basically a warrior for what is right and wrong, and good and bad. More important is that we are warriors who fight to protect our individual self, family, property and our way of life. Howev-er, in the real world we are not warriors until we have grown from martial arts training such as Qiao Feng's book -System of Bruce Lee's Kung Fu ...from Wing Chun to JKD.
This book of Qiao Feng will be very useful to all walks of life from students to professionals. I compliment Qiao for the detailed research into this unique facet of martial arts training. I am sure that this research will benefit all those who read and study, if practiced appropriately.
Richard S. Bustillo, Sigung, Jeet Kune Do
March 24, 2010 Kru, Muay Thai-Boxing
President, IMB Academy Inc. Grandmaster, Cacoy
Doce Pares Eskrima
Torrance, California USA Sensei, Jiujitsu-
Catchascatchcan Wrestling