`Here's your pretty bonnet,' said the Younger woman putting that recently despised but now welcome article of costume on Maggie's head; `and you'll say we've been very good to you, won't you, and what a nice little lady we said you was.'
`O, Yes, thank you,' said Maggie, `I'm very much obliged to you.But I wish you'd go with me too.' She thought anything was better than going with one of the dreadful men alone: it would be more cheerful to be murdered by a larger party.
`Ah, You're fondest O' me, aren't you?' said the woman.`But I can't go - You'll go too fast for me.'
It now appeared that the man also was to be seated on the donkey holding Maggie before him, and she was as incapable of remonstrating against this arrangement as the donkey himself, though no nightmare had ever seemed to her more horrible.When the woman had patted her on the back and said goodbye, the donkey, at a strong hint from the man's stick, set off at a rapid walk along the lane towards the point Maggie had come from an hour ago, while the tall girl and the rough urchin, also furnished with sticks, obligingly escorted them for the first hundred yards, with much screaming and thwacking.
Not Leonore in that preternatural midnight excursion with her phantom lover, was more terrified than poor Maggie in this entirely natural ride on a short-paced donkey, with a gypsy behind her who considered that he was earning half-a-crown.The red light of the setting sun seemed to have a portentous meaning, with which the alarming bray of the second donkey, with the log on its foot, must surely have some connection.Two low thatched cottages - the only houses they passed in this lane - seemed to add to its dreariness: they had no windows, to speak of, and the doors were closed:
it was probable that they were inhabited by witches, and it was a relief to find that the donkey did not stop there.
At last - O sight of joy - this lane, the longest in the world, was coming to an end, was opening on a broad high road, where there was actually a coach passing! And there was finger-post at the corner: she had surely seen that finger-post before - `To St Ogg's, 2 miles.' The gypsy really meant to take her home, then: he was probably a good man, after all, and might have been rather hurt at the thought that she didn't like coming with him alone.This idea became stronger as she felt more and more certain that she knew the road quite well and she was considering how she might open a conversation with the injured gypsy, and not only gratify his feelings but efface the impression of her cowardice, when, as they reached a cross road, Maggie caught sight of some one coming on a white-faced horse.
`O stop, stop!' she cried out.`There's my father! O father, father!'
The sudden joy was almost painful, and before her father reached her, she was sobbing.Great was Mr Tulliver's wonder, for he had made a round from Basset, and had not yet been home.
`Why, what's the meaning o' this?' he said, checking his horse, while Maggie slipped from the donkey and ran to her father's stirrup.
`The little miss lost herself, I reckon,' said the gypsy, `She'd come to our tent, at the far end o' Dunlow Lane, and I was bringing her where she said her home was.It's a good way to come arter being on the tramp all day.'
`O, yes, father, he's been very good to bring me home,' said Maggie.
`A very kind, good man!'
`Here then, my man,' said Mr Tulliver, taking out five shillings.`It's the best day's work you ever did.I couldn't afford to lose the little wench Here, lift her up before me.'
`Why, Maggie, how's this, how's this,' he said, as they rode along, while she laid her head against her father and sobbed.`How came you to be rambling about and lose yourself?'
`O father,' sobbed Maggie, `I ran away, because I was so unhappy - Tom was so angry with me.I couldn't bear it.'
`Pooh, Pooh,' said Mr Tulliver, soothingly, `you mustn't think o' running away from father.What 'ud father do without his little wench?'
`O no - I never will again, father - never.'
Mr Tulliver spoke his mind very strongly when he reached home that evening, and the effect was seen in the remarkable fact that Maggie never heard one reproach from her mother or one taunt from Tom about this foolish business of her running away to the gypsies.Maggie was rather awestricken by this unusual treatment, and sometimes thought that her conduct had been too wicked to be alluded to.