LONDON,May 31,O.S.1748.
DEAR BOY:I received yesterday your letter of the 16th,N.S.,and have,in consequence of it,written this day to Sir Charles Williams,to thank him for all the civilities he has shown you.Your first setting out at court has,I find,been very favorable;and his Polish Majesty has distinguished you.I hope you received that mark of distinction with respect and with steadiness,which is the proper behavior of a man of fashion.People of a low,obscure education cannot stand the rays of greatness;they are frightened out of their wits when kings and great men speak to them;they are awkward,ashamed,and do not know what nor how to answer;whereas,'les honnetes gens'are not dazzled by superior rank:
they know,and pay all the respect that is due to it;but they do it without being disconcerted;and can converse just as easily with a king as with any one of his subjects.That is the great advantage of being introduced young into good company,and being used early to converse with one's superiors.How many men have I seen here,who,after having had the full benefit of an English education,first at school,and then at the university,when they have been presented to the king,did not know whether they stood upon their heads or their heels!If the king spoke to them,they were annihilated;they trembled,endeavored to put their hands in their pockets,and missed them;let their hats fall,and were ashamed to take them up;and in short,put themselves in every attitude but the right,that is,the easy and natural one.The characteristic of a well-bred man,is to converse with his inferiors without insolence,and with his superiors with respect and ease.He talks to kings without concern;he trifles with women of the first condition with familiarity,gayety,but respect;and converses with his equals,whether he is acquainted with them or not,upon general common topics,that are not,however,quite frivolous,without the least concern of mind or awkwardness of body:
neither of which can appear to advantage,but when they are perfectly easy.
The tea-things,which Sir Charles Williams has given you,I would have you make a present of to your Mamma,and send them to her by Duval when he returns.You owe her not only duty,but likewise great obligations for her care and tenderness;and,consequently,cannot take too many opportunities of showing your gratitude.
I am impatient to receive your account of Dresden,and likewise your answers to the many questions that I asked you.
Adieu for this time,and God bless you!