Association psychology: HARTLEY Observations on Man, his Frame, his Duties, his Expectations, 1749. PRIESTLY, Hartley's Theory of the Human Mind on the Principles of the Association of Ideas, 1775. HUME, Treatise on Human Nature, 1734 1737; and Enquiry concerning Human Understanding, 1748. JAMES MILL, Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind, 1829, later edited with notes by Alexander Bain, John Stuart Mill and others, 2nd ed.
1878. ALEXANDER BAIN, The Senses and the Intellect, 1855, 4th ed. 1894; and The Emotions and the Will, 1859, 3rd ed. 1875. HERBERT SPENCER, Principles of Psychology, 1855, 5th ed. 1890. HERBART, Psychologie als Wissenschaft, 2 vols., 18241825; and (English trans. by M. K. Smith 1891) Textbook of Psychology,1816.
Works which prepared the way for experimental psychology: LOTZE, Medizinische Psychologie, 1852. G. T. FECHNER, Elemente der Psychophysik, 2 vols., 1860.
More extended modern treatises. Of the Herbartian School: W. F. VOLKMANN, Lehrbuch der Psychologie, 2 vols., 4th ed., 1894. M. LAZARUS, Leben der Seele in Monographien, 3 vols., 3rd ed. 1883. Of the Association School (generally with a tendency toward psychophysical materialism): KUELPE, (English trans. by E. B. Titchener, 1901) Outlines of Psychology, 1893.
EBBINGHAUS, Grundzuge der Psychologie, 1st vol. only as yet 1897-1902.
ZIEHEN, (English ~trans. by VAN LIEW and BEYER 1899) Introduction to the Study of Physiological Psychology, 6th Ger. ed. 1902. MUNSTERBERG, Grundzuge der Psychologie, 1st vol. only as yet, 1900. Works standing between association psychology and voluntaristic psychology: HOEFFDING, (English trans. by Lowndes, 1891, from the German trans. 1887) Outlines of Psychology, 2nd Danish ed. 1893. W. JERUSALEM, Lehrbuch der empirischen Psychologie, 2nd ed. 1890. Works representing a form of intellectualism related in method to scholasticism: BRENTANO, Psychologie vom empirischen Standpunkte, 1st vol. only, 1874. MEINONG, Psychologischethische Untersuchungen zur Werttheorie, 1894; and Untersuchungen zur Gegenstands theorie und Psychologie, 1904. Works emphasizing the independence of psychology and based on an empirical analysis of conscious processes: Lipps, Grundtatsachen des Seelenlebens, 1883; and Leitfaden der Psychologie, 1903. JODL, Lehrbuch der Psychologie, 2nd ed., 1902. The same empirical analysis, and on the basis of this analysis voluntaristic psychology in the sense above described, are presented by the author of this Outlines of Psychology in his other works also, namely, Grundzuge der physiologischen Psychologie, 3 vols., 5th ed. 19021903 (English trans. in preparation by E. B. Titchener); and (English trans. by E. B. Creighton and E. B. Titchener, 1894) Lectures on Human and Animal Psychology, 3rd Ger. cd. 1897. Works treating chiefly of the philosophical character of fundamental psychological concepts: UPHUES, Psychologie des Erkennens, 1893. J. REHMKE, Lehrbuch der allgemeinen Psychologie, 1894.
NATORP, Einleitung in die Psychologie, 1888. American, English and French works all follow in the path of associationalisrn. Furthermore, they tend for the most part toward psychophysical materialism or toward dualistic spiritualism, less frequently toward voluntarism. From among the numerous American works, the following are to be mentioned: JAMES, Principles of Psychology, 2 vols., 1890. LADD, Psychology Descriptive and Explanatory, 1894. BALDWIN, Handbook of Psychology, 1889. SCRIPTURE, The New Psychology, 1897. TITCHENER, An Outline of Psychology, 1896. French works are as follows:
RIBOT'S monographs on various psychological subjects are to be mentioned.
(All translated into English: Attention, The Diseases of Memory, The Diseases of the Will, The Diseases of Personality, General Ideas, The Creative Imagination).
Also, the works of FOUILLEE, which are related to German voluntarism, but contain at the same time a great deal of metaphysics and are somewhat influenced by the Platonic doctrine of ideas (L'evolutionisme des ideesforces, 1890, and Psychologie des ideesforces, 1893). Works on the history of psychology especially worthy of mention: SIEBECK, Geschichte der Psychologie, Pt. 1st, 18801884, and also articles in the first three vols. of Arch. f. Gesch. d. Phil. (these cover the ancient and medieval periods). LANGE, History of Materialism. DESSOIR, Geschichte der neueren deutschen Psychologie, 2nd ed. 1902 (including as yet only 1st vol.). SOMMER, Grundzuge einer Geschichte der deutschen Psychologie und Aesthetik von WolfBaumgarten bis KantSchiller, 1892. RIBOT, (English trans. by Baldwin) German Psychology of Today, Fr. ed. 1885, Eng. ed. 1886. W. WUNDT, "Psychologie" in the Festschrift for Kuno Fischer, 1904.