第14章 Chapter Five(2)
'The sculptures were magnificent,' she replied, hastily glancing at the ceiling.
'Ah! So they were! Tell me, Miss Racksole, how did you discover my identity.'
'I must not say,' she answered. 'That is my secret. Do not seek to penetrate it. Who knows what horrors you might discover if you probed too far?' She laughed, but she laughed alone. The Prince remained pensive - as it were brooding.
'I never hoped to see you again,' he said.
'Why not?'
'One never sees again those whom one wishes to see.'
'As for me, I was perfectly convinced that we should meet again.'
'Because I always get what I want.'
'Then you wanted to see me again?'
'Certainly. You interested me extremely. I have never met another man who could talk so well about sculpture as the Count Steenbock.'
'Do you really always get what you want, Miss Racksole?'
'Of course.'
'That is because your father is so rich, I suppose?'
'Oh, no, it isn't!' she said. 'It's simply because I always do get what Iwant. It's got nothing to do with Father at all.'
'But Mr Racksole is extremely wealthy?'
'Wealthy isn't the word, Count. There is no word. It's positively awful the amount of dollars poor Papa makes. And the worst of it is he can't help it.
He told me once that when a man had made ten millions no power on earth could stop those ten millions from growing into twenty.
And so it continues.
I spend what I can, but I can't come near coping with it; and of course Papa is no use whatever at spending.'
'And you have no mother?'
'Who told you I had no mother?' she asked quietly.
'I - er - inquired about you,' he said, with equal candour and humility.
'In spite of the fact that you never hoped to see me again?'
'Yes, in spite of that.'
'How funny!' she said, and lapsed into a meditative silence.
'Yours must be a wonderful existence,' said the Prince. 'I envy you.'
'You envy me - what? My father's wealth?'
'No,' he said; 'your freedom and your responsibilities.'
'I have no responsibilities,' she remarked.
'Pardon me,' he said; 'you have, and the time is coming when you will feel them.'
'I'm only a girl,' she murmured with sudden simplicity. 'As for you, Count, surely you have sufficient responsibilities of your own?'
'I?' he said sadly. 'I have no responsibilties. I am a nobody - a Serene Highness who has to pretend to be very important, always taking immense care never to do anything that a Serene Highness ought not to do. Bah!'
'But if your nephew, Prince Eugen, were to die, would you not come to the throne, and would you not then have these responsibilities which you so much desire?'
'Eugen die?' said Prince Aribert, in a curious tone. 'Impossible. He is the perfection of health. In three months he will be married. No, I shall never be anything but a Serene Highness, the most despicable of God's creatures.'
'But what about the State secret which you mentioned? Is not that a responsibility?'
'Ah!' he said. 'That is over. That belongs to the past. It was an accident in my dull career. I shall never be Count Steenbock again.'
'Who knows?' she said. 'By the way, is not Prince Eugen coming here to-day? Mr Dimmock told us so.'
'See!' answered the Prince, standing up and bending over her. 'I am going to confide in you. I don't know why, but I am.'