IN a few minutes, following the lamps of the mutes, which, held out from the body as a bearer holds water in a vessel, had the appearance of floating down the darkness by themselves, we came to a stair which led us to _i_ She _i_ 's anteroom, the same that Billali had crept up upon all fours on the previous day.Here I would have bid the queen adieu, but she would not.
"Nay," she said, "enter with me, O Holly, for of a truth thy conversation pleaseth me.Think, O Holly:
for two thousand years have I had none to converse with save slaves and my own thoughts, and though of all this thinking hath much wisdom come, and many secrets been made plain, yet am I weary of my thoughts, and have come to loathe mine own society, for surely the food that memory gives to eat is bitter to the taste, and it is only with the teeth of hope that we can bear to bite it.Now though thy thoughts are green and tender, as becometh one so young, yet are they those of a thinking brain, and in truth thou dost bring back to my mind certain of those old philosophers with whom in days bygone I have disputed at Athens, and at Becca in Arabia, for thou hast the same crabbed air and dusty look, as though thou hadst passed thy days in reading ill-writ Greek, and been stained dark with the grime of manuscripts.So draw the curtain, and sit here by my side, and we will eat fruit, and talk of pleasant things.See, I will again unveil to thee.Thou hast brought it on thyself, OHolly; fairly have I warned theeand thou shalt call me beautiful as even those old philosophers were wont to do.Fie upon them, forgetting their philosophy!"And without more ado she stood up and shook the white wrappings from her, and came forth shining and splendid like some glittering snake when she has cast her slough; ay, and fixed her wonderful eyes upon memore deadly than any basilisk'sand pierced me through and through with their beauty, and sent her light laugh ringing through the air like chimes of silver bells.
A new mood was on her, and the very color of her mind seemed to change beneath it.It was no longer torture-torn and hateful, as I had seen it when she was cursing her dead rival by the leaping flames, no longer icily terrible as in the judgment-hall, no longer rich and sombre and splendid, like a Tyrian cloth, as in the dwellings of the dead.No, her mood now was that of Aphrodite triumphing.Liferadiant, ecstatic, wonderfulseemed to flow from her and around her.Softly she laughed and sighed, and swift her glances flew._i_ She _i_ shook her heavy tresses, and their perfume filled the place; she struck her little sandalled foot upon the floor, and hummed a snatch of some old Greek epithalamium.All the majesty was gone, or did but lurk and faintly flicker through her laughing eyes, like lightning seen through sunlight._i_ She _i_ had cast off the terror of the leaping flame, the cold power of judgment that was even now being done, and the wise sadness of the tombscast them off and put them behind her, like the white shroud she wore, and now stood out the incarnation of lovely, tempting womanhood, made more perfectand in a way more spiritualthan ever woman was before.
"There, my Holly, sit there where thou canst see me.
It is by thine own wish, rememberagain I say, blame me not if thou dost spend the rest of thy little span with such a sick pain at the heart that thou wouldst fain have died before ever thy curious eyes were set upon me.There, sit so, and tell me, for in truth I am inclined for praisestell me, am I not beautiful?
Nay, speak not so hastily; consider well the point;take me feature by feature, forgetting not my form, and my hands and feet, and my hair, and the whiteness of my skin, and then tell me truly hast thou ever known a woman who in aught, ay, in one little portion of her beauty, in the curve of an eyelash even, or the modelling of a shell-Iike ear, is justified to hold a light before my loveliness? Now, my waist! Perchance thou thinkest it too large, but of a truth it is not so; it is this golden snake that is too large, and doth not bind it as it should.It is a wise snake, and knoweth that it is ill to tie in the waist.But see, give me thy handssonow press them round me, there, with but a little force, thy fingers touch, O Holly."I could bear it no longer.I am but a man, and she was more than a woman.Heaven knows what she wasl do not! But then and there I fell upon my knees before her, and told her in a sad mixture of languagesfor such moments confuse the thoughtsthat I worshipped her as never woman was worshipped, and that I would give my immortal soul to marry her, which at that time I certainly would have done, and so, indeed, would any other man, or all the race of men rolled into one.For a moment she looked a little surprised, and then she began to laugh, and clap her hands in glee.
"Oh, so soon, O Holly!" she said."I wondered how many minutes it would need to bring thee to thy knees.Ihave not seen a man kneel before me for so many days, and, believe me, to a woman's heart the sight is sweet; ay, wisdom and length of days take not from that dear pleasure which is our sex's only right.
"What wouldst thou?what wouldst thou? Thou dost not know what thou doest.Have I not told thee that I am not for thee? I love but one, and thou art not the man.Ah, Holly, for all thy wisdom-and in a way thou art wisethou art but a fool running after folly.