Remapping is published by the Tsinghua Institute for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences(TIAS). First established in 2006 as the Tsinghua Center for Advanced Studies in Humanities and Social Sciences, TIAS was founded in 2009 to promote advanced studies in humanities and social sciences.
The field of advanced studies, particularly in humanities and social sciences, has been undergoing momentous transformation worldwide. Earlier institutions of advanced studies centered on Europe and the U. S.. While some scholars from beyond these areas participated as well, research projects typically pivoted on Europe and the U. S..
Hence to set up an institute for advanced studies in humanities and social sciences in China creates the following possibilities:
Firstly, to introduce the long and rich tradition of scholarly research in China and in Asia into the category of advanced studies and provide new resources and perspectives for humanities and social sciences in the contemporary world;
Secondly, to bring the experience of socialist history and reform in China into the perspective of advanced studies and inject a new dynamism into contemporary discussions on economic, social and cultural transformations;
Lastly, to promote the dialogue and cooperation between researches carried out in China and in other areas of the world in order to transform the current Europe-U. S. -centered framework of advanced studies and construct a crucial institutional premise for scholars from China and Asia to join international scholarly conversations.
An institute for advanced studies differs from institutions of Chinese studies or of“national learning”(guoxue). Characterized by interdisciplinary, crosscultural, trans-regional and trans-national research, we aims at exploring and making breakthroughs in the fundamental theories of humanities and social sciences. The notion of“remapping”in the title of this series shifts our attention from specific topographic categories to a concept of space that highlights hybridity, interaction, boundary-crossing, and multiple identification. Remapping publishes papers spanning all fields of humanities and social sciences and encourages in particular works that are based on fundamental research and raise new problematics or adopt new methodologies. While Asian studies is emphasized, we also encourage cross-regional research. Submissions are welcome and will go through a strict peer-review process. We strive for a short review circle and provide constructive comments.