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—“A Criticism of Later Rawls and a Defense of a Decent(Confucian)People”, American Philosophical Association, Central Division Meeting, Chicago, April, 2008.
—“The Private and the Public in the Republic and in the Analects”, Southeast Early China Roundtable Annual Meeting, Eckerd College, November, 2007.
— “Why Shouldn't a Confucian Save a State in Crisis? —On the Confucian Wisdom of Moral Obligation and Moral Courage”, Society of Asian and Comparative Philosophy Annual Conference, Pacific Grove, CA, June, 2007.
—“A Tale of Two Rulers: Plato's Guardians vs.Confucius's Junzi”, April, 2007, Xavier University.
—“Being and Non-Being in Laozi”, March, 2006, APA Pacific.
—“A Mencian Version of Liberal Democracy”, March, 2006, APA Pacific.