Abstract As a prominent Sinologist,historian and political figure in America,John Fairbank devoted his whole life to the studies of Chinese history,culture and Sino-US relations.Due to his political stance and ideological differences in a particular historic context,he was once regarded as an unpopular or annoying person in the United States,Chinese mainland and Chinese Taiwan.However,he advocated cultural diplomacy rather than military force to resolve international disputes.His positive evaluation of People's Republic of China and calm rational thinking of Chinese society helped to promote the development of Sino-US relations.His enormous English writings about Chinese history and culture helped the world better accept and understand China and Chinese culture,and therefore enhance the wide dissemination of Chinese history and culture in the world.John Fairbank should be viewed as a great cross-cultural messenger,as he noticed cultural diversity,respected differences with a pluralistic,open and tolerant attitude towards heterogeneous cultures.His cross-cultural communication attitude iscertainly worth learning and research nowadays.
Keywords cross-cultural communication; Fairbank; cultural messenger
费正清(John Fairbank,1907—1991)是美国的中国问题研究专家、美国现代中国学的开拓者、哈佛大学终身教授,早年就读于威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校、哈佛大学,1929年前往牛津大学攻读博士学位,研究英国的对华政策与英中关系。[3]在牛津,他开始学习汉语并积极申请来华。1931年费正清来中国,结识了梁思成、林徽因、胡适、蒋廷黻等众多中国文化名人。1936年,费正清回到牛津,获得博士学位后,开始在哈佛大学历史系任教,首创中国研究课程。[4]1942年至1946年期间,费正清先后受聘于美国情报协调处和美国新闻署驻华新闻处,两度来华工作。1955年费正清创建哈佛大学东亚研究中心,并任主任一直到退休。在他的领导下,哈佛大学东亚研究中心成为东亚研究的重镇,他本人也成为美国的中国研究领军人物。为了纪念他的杰出贡献,1977年哈佛东亚研究中心更名为费正清东亚研究中心,2007年又更名为费正清中国研究中心,专事中国研究,可见费正清开创的事业影响之深远。