1.4.4 实验心理学与人机工程学
1 人类工程学human engineering
2 人机工程学man-machine engineering
3 工效学ergonomic
4 人因工程学human factors engineering
5 人因要素human factors
6 人机系统man-machine system
7 人本位设计human standard design
8 实验心理学experimental psychology
9 物理心理学psychophysics
10 感觉sensation
11 知觉perception
12 感觉阈限threshold of sensation
13 心理量表psychological scaling
14 视觉visual perception
15 视觉通道visual pathway
16 听觉hearing perception
17 肤觉skin sensation
18 视觉心理学visual psychology
19 听觉心理学hearing psychology
20 感光元photoreceptor cell
21 明视,暗视,间视phototropic vision, scotopic vision, mesopic vision
22 光适应与暗适应photopic adaptation and scotopic adaptation
23 格式塔,完形gestalt
24 形状知觉shape perception
25 轮廓contour
26 主观轮廓subjective contour
27 图形与背景figure and ground
28 图形与背景逆转reversible figure and ground
29 良好形状法则prinzip der guten gestalt
30 群化grouping
31 等质性法则fsctor of similarity
32 伪装camouflage
33 形状的恒常性shape constancy
34 大小的恒常性size constancy
35 空间知觉space perception
36 立体视stereosis
37 运动知觉movement perception
38 视错觉optical illusion
39 残像after image
40 似动apparent movement
41 视觉后效aftereffects in visual
42 瀑布效应waterfall effect
43 视线记录仪eye camera
44 听觉刺激auditory stimulus
45 声压sound pressure
46 声压水平sound pressure level
47 频谱spectrum
48 乐音与非乐音tone and nontone
49 噪声noise
50 听觉阈限auditory threshold
51 响度loudness
52 听觉掩蔽auditory masking
53 音乐心理学psychology of music
54 音响心理学psychology of sound
55 音的四属性four attributes of sound
56 音高pitch
57 音色timbre
58 力度loudness
59 频率辨别阈限difference threshold of frequency
60 强度辨别阈限difference threshold of loudness
61 混响reverberation
62 音源距离感distance perception of sound
63 音源方位感orientation perception of sound
64 立体声stereophony
65 语言心理学psycholinguistics
66 语言声谱language spectrum
67 语言清晰度articulation
68 人体尺寸humanbody size
69 作业空间work space
70 模数module
71 心理尺度psychological measure
72 动作分析motion analysis
73 时间研究time study
74 动作时间研究motion and time study
75 时间动作轨迹摄影chronocyclegragh
76 动迹traffic line
77 光迹摄影luminogram
78 脑波brain wave
79 生物钟bioclock
80 睡眠sleep
81 疲劳fatigue
82 姿态body posture
83 皮肤电反应galvanic skin response
84 临界闪烁频率critical flicker frequency
85 肌肉运动学kinesiology
86 肌电图electromyography
87 形态学morphology
88 仿生学bionics
89 人—环境系统man-environment system
90 照明illumination
91 振动oscillate
92 气候climate
93 空气调节air conditioning
94 功能分配functional allocation