I’m a Raving Fan of John Britt and Harry Paul. I was one of the coauthors with John of Who Killed Change? and wrote the foreword to FISH!, which Harry coauthored. They are two of the most creative people I know.
As you read Who Kidnapped Excellence?, you soon find out that John, Harry, and Ed Jent exemplify the concept that one plus one is a lot greater than two. Their creativity will immediately come alive for you in this parable in which Gorman-Scott Inc.’s team of Passion, Competency, Flexibility, Communication, and Ownership must battle Average’s team of N. Different, N. Ept, N. Flexibility, Miss Communiction, and Poser to win back their Excellence. You will see why the same battle must be fought not only at your workplace but also at home with your family.
Read Who Kidnapped Excellence? Share it with everybody at work and at home, enjoy the story, and be ready to practice what you learn about yourself and how you can continually bring excellence into your life and the organizations to which you belong.
Ed Jent, who has a background in ministry of education, joins John and Harry and adds a distinct flavor to this book. Thanks, John, Harry, and Ed. You’re the best.
Ken Blanchard
Coauthor, The One Minute Manager® and Fit at Last: Look and Feel Better Once and for All