Why be thankful just one day a year? 一年当中怎么只在这天感恩?
1 Americans celebrate Thanks-giving each year on the fourth Thursday in November. On that day, families get together, eat a big meal and talk about their blessings. But why be thankful just one day a year? Since American Thanksgiving is on a Thursday, many people have joined the “Thankful Thursday” movement. Each Thursday throughout the year, they blog about their blessings. These aren't always necessarily “big” and usually can be called “small”. They can be as simple as talking with friends or getting a seat on a crowded bus.

2 When we look for things to be thankful for, we focus on what we have. We don't think about what we don't have. We feel happier and more satisfied and may realize how truly blessed we are. ①Usually, we want more and don't realize how much we already have.
3 How about you? Join the movement and have a Thankful Thursday every week for the month of November. You may surprise yourself with how much you have to be grateful for! ②
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