
1632 29 August: Born Wrington, Somerset.
1646 Admitted to Westminster School,London.
1652 Elected to studentship at Christ Church,Oxford.
1656 Graduates BA.
1658 Graduates MA.
1660 Writes first tract on the Civil Magistrate.
1661 Father dies.
1661-2 Writes second tract on the Civil Magistrate.
1664 Censor of Moral Philosophy at Christ Church. Writes ‘Essays on the Law of Nature’.
1667 Joins household of Lord Ashley, future first earl of Shaftesbury.
Writes ‘An Essay concerning Toleration’.
1668 Elected Fellow of the Royal Society.
1671 Writes first drafts of ‘Essay concerning Human Understanding’.
1673-4 Secretary to Council of Trade and Foreign Plantations.
1675 Graduates MB.
1675-9 In France (Paris and Montpellier).
1680-82 Writes ‘Two Treatises of Government’.
1683-9 In Holland.
1689 Returns to London;anonymous publication of ‘A Letter concerning Toleration’ and of ‘Two Treatises of Government’;publication of ‘An Essay concerning Human Understanding’(dated 1690).
1690 Moves from London to Oates,Essex ;anonymous publication of ‘Second Letter concerning Toleration’.
1691 Publication of ‘Some Consideration of the Consequences of the Lowering of Interest and Raising the Value of Money’.
1692 Anonymous publication of ‘Third Letter concerning Toleration’.
1693 Publication of ‘Some Thoughts concerning Education’.
1694 Publication of second edition of ‘Essay concerning Human Understanding’.
1695 Publication of ‘Further Considerations concerning Raising the Value of Money’ and of third edition of ‘Essay concerning Human Understanding’; anonymous publication of ‘The Reasonableness of Christianity’ and of ‘Vindication of the Reasonableness of Christianity’.
1696 Appointed to the Commission for Trade and Plantations (Board of Trade).
1697 Publication of ‘A Letter’ and‘A Reply’ to Bishop Stillingfleet; anonymous publication of ‘Second Vindication of the Reasonableness of Christianity’.
1698 Publication of a further ‘Reply’ to Stillingfleet.
1699 Publication of fourth edition of ‘Essay concerning Human Understanding’.
1700 Resigns from Board of Trade.Publication of French translation of ‘Essay concerning Human Understanding’.
1701 Publication of Latin translation of ‘Essay concerning Human Understanding’.
1704 28 October: Dies Oates, Essex.