While many people have different ideas about what a good parent is, everyone can agree that a good parent is loving and caring. While unconditional love is hard to find in life, a great parent always exhibits it for his or her child. No matter the circumstance, the good parent is always available to support the child. Loving parents must also be caring parents. They are the ultimate example of selflessness, always putting the child’s interests in front of their own. From simple things like making sure there is dinner on the table every night to big issues like helping their child deal with bad grades, the parent always supports.
When working on classwork or homework assignments, I prefer to work in a group. While I am working, many of my thoughts begin as rough ideas that need more development. When I work in a group, I am able to tell my friends my ideas and receive their input. Through this method, I am able to easily refine my ideas and integrate my friends’ ideas into my personal thoughts. In addition, working with friends makes assignments less tedious. While homework can sometimes feel like a chore, talking to friends while doing it makes the task more enjoyable.
The woman disagrees strongly with the university’s decision to eliminate hot breakfasts from the dining halls. The university would like to eliminate hot breakfasts from their menus because it will be healthier for the students and it will be cheaper. The woman claims that eliminating hot breakfasts isn’t as healthy as the university claims it is; she says that on cold mornings, cold cereal is far less healthy than a nice warm omelet or a bowl of oatmeal. Also, she says that the change will actually cost students more money. Students will be forced to go off campus restaurants to get hot breakfast, and will have to pay “off campus prices” for breakfast. This will eventually cost the students more money than what they spend at the dining halls.
Cognitive dissonance occurs when people find that their actions contradict their beliefs, or rather, that they are doing things they normally should not do. In this situation, they adjust their beliefs and thoughts to better match their actions, so that they lessen the disconnection between their actions and beliefs. In the professor’s example, he explains that he was playing too many video games when he was in high school, and it was costing his good grades in chemistry class. Instead of playing fewer video games and trying to do better in chemistry, he convinced himself that he wanted to be a sociologist and his chemistry grade didn’t matter. He convinced himself that he only needed to do well in sociology-related classes, and that made him feel better about his video game habits.
The woman in the example has been chosen to receive a creative writing award; however, the award ceremony is scheduled at the same time as a biology exam she must take. She is talking to her friend about her problem, and they come up with two possible solutions. She can either write a five-page essay in place of the final or have a friend receive the award for her. I believe that she should write the essay. This way, she completes the proper work for the biology course, which is the fair thing to do if she cannot take the exam. In addition, this allows her to attend the award ceremony where her parents are really looking forward to seeing her receiving the award. Writing the paper is both the fair and the best option.
The professor’s talk concerns marketing strategies that companies use to convince people to buy their goods. He says that companies like to use either repetition or famous people to help sell their products. According to him, repetition makes us believe that things have some truth even when they are completely false. For example, if a car commercial for a small car repeats that the car has a lot of space, we are more likely to believe that it is spacious, even if it is not. The use of famous people or people we admire also makes products more appealing to us. Like one car commercial features a race car driver who claims the car is outstanding with high speed, we are more likely to believe the car is fast and want to buy it.