例1The arms race became away to measure who was winning.And since the central battlefield was quiet,both sides helped allies in their local struggles—in other words,proxy(代理人)wars.(外交学院基础英语真题)
例2It is adistressing fact that any system of censorship is bound,upon occasion,to treat unjust aparticular work of art—to find pornography(色情)where there is only gentle eroticism(情爱)to find obscenity(淫秽)where none really exists,or to find both where the work’s existence ought to be tolerant because it serves alarger moral purpose.That is the price one has to be prepared to pay for censorship,even liberal censorship.(北京外国语大学基础英语2005年阅读Passage One)
例3Depressed by the appalling grotesqueries(怪诞)of the election season,the smears,leaks,lies and alibis(托词)—and crushed by my beloved Cardinals’obliteration(抹去)at the hands of the unstoppable Red Sox,I search for abit of encouragement,an infinitesimal(极小,无穷小)spark to raise my sagging(低垂)spirit.(上海交通大学英语水平考试2005)
例4The bombardments of World WarⅡwere followed by the depredations(蹂躏)of profiteers and politicians–for–rent who reduced the city to ademoralized shadow of itself,surviving on government handouts.(上海外国语大学基础英语2005)
例5The Vygostsky model reintroduces all the people who also inhabit the child’s world—parents,caregivers,relatives,siblings(同胞兄弟姐妹)and all those other children at play or school.(清华大学基础英语2005)