在进行阅读之前,首先浏览短文后面的试题。在看完Section A 选择题的题干和四个选项以及Section B 简答题的题干后,分析每个试题考查的内容和题型(细节题、语义题、判断题、主旨题等),以便带着问题有目标地阅读短文,根据相应的解题技巧从中寻找正确答案,例如:
What is the main idea of the passage?
[A] Public speaking in international forums.
[B] Public speaking in daily life context.
[C] The many uses of public speaking.
[D] The rules of public speaking.
The art of public speaking began in ancient Greece over 2,000 years ago. Now,twitter,instant messaging,e-mail,blogs and chat forums offer rival approaches to communication—but none can replace the role of a great speech.
The spoken word can handle various vital functions: persuading or inspiring,
informing,paying tribute,entertaining,or simply introducing someone or something or accepting something.
Over the past year,the human voice has helped guide us over the ups and downs of what was certainly a stormy time.
Persuasion is used in dealing with or reconciling different points of view.When the leaders met in Copenhagen in December 2009,persuasive words from activists encouraged them to commit themselves to firmer action.
Inspirational speeches confront the emotions.They focus on topics and matters that are close to people's hearts.During wars,generals used inspiring speeches to prepare the troops for battle.
A speech that conveys knowledge and enhances understanding can inform us.The information must be clear,accurate,and expressed in a meaningful and interesting way.When the H1N1 pandemic was announced,the idea of “swine flu” (猪流感)scared many people.Informative speeches from World Health Organization officials helped people to keep their panic under control so they could take sensible precautions.
Sad events are never easy to deal with but a speech that pays tribute to the loss of a loved one and gives praise for their contribution can be comforting.Madonna's speech about Michael Jackson,after his death,highlighted the fact that he will continue to live on through his music.
It's not only in word forums where public speaking plays an important role.It can also be surprisingly helpful in the course of our own lives.
If you're taking part in a debate you need to persuade the listeners of the soundness of your argument.In sports,athletes know the importance of a pep talk before a match to inspire teammates.You yourself may be asked to do a presentation at college or work to inform the others about an area of vital importance.
On a more personal level,a friend may be upset and need comforting.Or you might be asked to introduce a speaker at a family event or to speak at a wedding,where your language will be needed to move people or make them laugh.
Great speaking ability is not something we're born with.Even Barack Obama works hard to perfect every speech.For a brilliant speech,there are rules that you can put to good use.To learn those rules you have to practice and learn from some outstanding speeches in the past.
答案解析:在第一、二段提出本文主旨后,作者就逐一介绍public speaking的重要作用:Persuasion is used in dealing with or reconciling different points of view;Inspirational speeches confront the emotions;A speech that conveys knowledge and enhances understanding can inform us;Sad events are never easy to deal with but a speech…;It can also be surprisingly helpful in the course of our own lives.由此可知,【C】能够概括全文主旨,故为正确答案。
略读又称“跳读”(reading and skipping) 或“浏览”(glancing),是一种专门的、非常实用的快速阅读方法,其主要特征是有选择性地阅读,其目的有两个:其一是以尽可能快的速度获取文章主旨大意或中心思想;其二是辨识文体,掌握结构(如果是记叙文,就要了解故事发生的时间、地点、背景和人物活动等主要线索;如果是论述文,就要弄清文章的中心论点以及论述内容)。换句话说,略读要求读者有选择性地进行阅读,跳读某些细节,以抓住文章的大意,从而加快阅读速度。其具体方法如下:
There are superstitions attached to numbers;even those ancient Greeks believed that all numbers and their multiples had some mystical significance.
Those numbers between 1 and 13 were in particular to have a powerful influence over the affairs of men.For example,it is commonly said that luck,good or bad,comes in three;if an accident happens,two more of the same kind may be expected soon afterwards.The arrival of a letter will be followed by two others within a certain period.
Another belief involving the number three has it that it is unlucky to light three cigarettes from the one match.If this happens,the bad luck that goes with the deed falls upon the person whose cigarette was the last to be lit.The ill-omen linked to the lighting of three things from one match or candle goes back to at least the 17th century and probably earlier.It was believed that three candles alight at the same time would be sure to bring bad luck;one,two,or four,were permissible,but never just three.
1.According to the passage,which of the following groups of numbers will certainly bring good luck to people?
[A] 3 and 7.
[B] 3 and 9.
[C] 7 and 9.
[D] 3 and 13.
2.The ill luck associated with 13 is supposed to have its origin in
[A] legend.
[B] religion.
[C] popular belief.
[D] certain customs.
3.What is the author's attitude towards people's superstitions beliefs?
[A] He is mildly critical.
[B] He is strongly critical.
[C] He is in favor of them.
[D] His attitude is not clear.
Seven was another significant number,usually regarded as a bringer of good luck. The ancient astrologers believed that the universe was governed by seven planets;students of Shakespeare will recall that the life of man was divided into seven ages.Seven horseshoes nailed to a horse will protect it from all evil.
Nine is usually thought of as a lucky number because it is the product of three times three.It was much used by the Anglo-Saxons in their charms for healing.
Another belief was that great changes occurred every 7th and 9th of a man's life.Consequently,the age of 63 (the product of nine and seven) was thought to be a very perilous time for him.If he survived his 63rd year he might hope to live to a ripe old age.
Thirteen,as we well know,is regarded with great awe and fear.
The common belief is that this derives from the fact that there were 13 people at Christ's Last Supper. This being the eve of his betrayal,it is not difficult to understand the significance given to the number by the early Christians.
In modern times 13 is an especially unlucky number of a dinner party,for example.Hotels will avoid numbering a floor the 13th;the progression is from 12 to 14,and no room is given the number 13.Many home owners will use 121/2 instead of 13 as their house number.
Yet oddly enough,to be born on the 13th of the month is not regarded with any fear at all,which just shows how irrational we are in our superstitious beliefs.
1.答案【C】。通过略读第四、五段的开头句“Seven was another significant number,usually regarded as a bringer of good luck.”和Nine is usually thought of as a lucky number…便可得出正确答案为【C】。
2.答案【B】。通过略读第七段的“Thirteen,as we well know,is regarded with great awe and fear.”和第八段的 The common belief is that this derives from the fact that there were 13 people at Christ's Last Supper.便知【B】为正确答案。
3.答案【A】。略读全文最后一段:Yet oddly enough,to be born on the 13th of the month is not regarded with any fear at all,which just shows how irrational we are in our superstitious beliefs.即可知道作者的态度为【A】。
I know when the snow melts and the first robins come to call,when the laughter of children
returns to the parks and playgrounds,something wonderful is about to happen.
Spring cleaning.
I'll admit spring cleaning is a difficult notion for modern families to grasp.Today's busy families hardly have time to load the dishwasher,much less clean the doormat.Asking the family to spend the weekend collecting winter dog piles from the melting snow in the backyard is like announcing there will be no more Wi-Fi.It interrupts the natural order.
According to the passage,“…spring cleaning is a difficult notion for modern families to grasp” means that spring cleaning
[A] is no longer an easy practice to understand
[B] is no longer part of modern family life
[C] requires more family members to be involved
[D] calls for more complicated skills and knowledge
“Honey,what say we spend the weekend beating the rugs,sorting through the boxes in the basement and painting our bedroom a nice lemony yellow?” I say.
“Can we at least wait until the NBA matches are over?” my husband answers.
But I tell my family,spring cleaning can't wait.The temperature has risen just enough to melt snow but not enough for Little League practice to start.Some flowers are peeking out of the thawing ground,but there is no lawn to seed,nor garden to tend.Newly wakened from our winter's hibernation,yet still needing extra blankets at night,we open our windows to the first fresh air floating on the breeze and all of the natural world demanding “Awake and be clean!”
Biologists offer a theory about this primal impulse to clean out every drawer and closet in the house at spring's first light,which has to do with melatonin,the sleepy time hormone our bodies produce when it's dark.When spring's light comes,the melatonin diminishes,and suddenly we are awakened to the dusty,virus-filled house we've been hibernating in for four months.
I tell my family about the science and psychology of a good healthy cleaning at spring's arrival.I speak to them about life's greatest rewards waiting in the removal of soap scum from the bathtub,which hasn't been properly cleaned since the first snowfall.
“I'll do it,” says the eldest child,a 21-year-old college student who lives at home.
“You will?Wow!” I exclaim.
Maybe after all these years,he's finally grasped the concept.Maybe he's expressing his rightful position as eldest child and role model.Or maybe he's going to Florida for a break in a couple of weeks and he's being nice to me who is the financial-aid officer.
No matter.Seeing my adult son willingly cleaning that dirty bathtub gives me hope for the future of his 12-year-old brother who,instead of working,is found to be sleeping in the seat of the window he is supposed to be cleaning.
“Awake and be clean!” I say.
解析:答案【A】。在通读全文的基础上,考生通过扫读可知,本文主要谈论现代家庭对待春季大扫除的态度以及作者自己家一次大扫除的过程。扫读后可将题干中的“…spring cleaning is a difficult notion for modern families to grasp” 定位到文章第三段第一句,然后再细读后面的句子:“Today's busy families hardly have time to load the dishwasher,much less clean the doormat.Asking the family to spend the weekend collecting winter dog piles from the melting snow in the backyard is like announcing there will be no more Wi-Fi.It interrupts the natural order.”可以看出,这里说人们不理解为什么要进行春季大扫除,因此答案为【A】。
Section A
Passage 1
When I was a young girl living in Ireland,I was always pleased when it rained,because that meant I could go treasure hunting.What's the connection between a wet day and a search for buried treasure?Well,it's quite simple.Ireland,as some of you may already know,is the home of Leprechauns—little men who possess magic powers and,perhaps more interestingly,pots of gold.
Now,although Leprechauns are interesting characters,I have to admit that I was more intrigued by the stories of their treasure hoard.This,as all of Ireland knows,they hide at the end of the rainbow.Leprechauns can be fearsome folk but if you can discover the end of the rainbow,they have to unwillingly surrender their gold to you.So whenever it rained,I would look up in the sky and follow the curve of the rainbow to see where it ended.I never did unearth any treasure,but I did spend many happy,showery days dreaming of what I could do with the fortune if I found it.
As I got older,and started working,rainy days came to be just another nuisance and my childhood dreams of finding treasure faded.But for some people the dream of striking it lucky never fades,and for a fortunate few,the dream even comes true!Such is the case of Mel Fisher.His dream of finding treasure also began in childhood,while reading the great literature classics “Treasure Island” and “Moby Dick”.However,unlike myself,he chased his dream and in the end managed to become one of the most famous professional treasure hunters of all time,and for good reason.In 1985,he fished up the priceless cargo of the sunken Spanish ship Atocha,which netted him an incredible $400 million dollars!
After the ship sank in 1622 off the coast of Florida,its murky waters became a treasure trove of precious stones,gold bars and silver coins known as “pieces of eight”.The aptly-named Fisher,who ran a commercial salvaging operation,had been trying to locate the underwater treasure for over 16 years when he finally hit the jackpot!His dreams had come true but finding and keeping the treasure wasn't all plain sailing.After battling with hostile conditions at sea,Fisher then had to battle in the courts.In fact,the State of Florida took Fisher to court over ownership of the find and the Federal government soon followed suit.After more than 200 hearings,Fisher agreed to donate 20%of his yearly findings for public display,and so now there is a museum in Florida which displays hundreds of the objects which were salvaged from the Atocha.
This true story seems like a modern-day fairytale:a man pursues his dream through adversity and in the end,he triumphs over the difficulties—they all live happily ever after,right?Well,not exactly.Archaeologists object to the fact that with commercial salvaging operations like Fisher's,the objects are sold and dispersed and UNESCO are worried about protecting our underwater heritage from what it describes as “pillaging”.
The counter-argument is that in professional,well-run operations such as Fisher's,each piece is accurately and minutely recorded and that it is this information which is more important than the actual object,and that such operations help increase our wealth of archaeological knowledge.Indeed,as in Fisher's case,they make history more accessible to people through museum donations and information on web sites.
The distinction of whether these treasure hunters are salvaging or pillaging our underwater heritage may not be clear,but what is clear is that treasure hunting is not just innocent child's play anymore but profitable big business.I have learnt that the end of the rainbow is beyond my reach,but in consolation,with just a click of the mouse,I too can have a share in the riches that the Atocha has revealed.As Friedrich Nietzsche so wisely said:“Our treasure lies in the beehive of our knowledge.”
41.In Para.4,the phrase “hit the jackpot” means____________according to thetext.
[A] discovered the jackpot[B] found the treasure
[C] broke one of the objects[D] ran a salvaging operation
42.It can be concluded from Para.5 and Para.6 that
[A] people hold entirely different views on the issue.
[B] UNESCO's view is different from archaeologists'.
[C] all salvaging operations should be prohibited.
[D] attention should be paid to the find's educational value.
43.How did the author feel about the treasure from the Atocha (Para.7)?
[A] She was unconcerned about where the treasure came from.
[B] She was sad that she was unable to discover and salvage treasure.
[C] She was angry that treasure hunters were pillaging heritage.
[D] She was glad that people can have a chance to see the treasure.
41.答案B。根据题干信息定位在第四段。在第二句中提及had been trying to locate the underwater treasure for over 16 years,即Fisher,他专门从事商业打捞活动,他就像自己的名字(渔夫)那样,在长达16年的时间里一直尝试寻找海底宝藏,之后提及短语hit the jackpot,由此可判断,Fisher成功找到了宝藏。选项B与文章信息一致。故B正确。
42.答案A。根据题干信息定位在第五和第六段。第五段第三句提及社会学家(archaeologists)反对(object)像Fisher这样的商业打捞活动,而UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)担心的是是否能够保护海底遗产免遭这种抢掠行为的迫害。第六段段首提及the counter-argument,即“持相反观点的人”,之后论述了这些人的观点。由此可知,第五段和第六段列举了人们对于寻找海底宝藏的不同观点,故A正确。
43.答案D。根据题干信息定位于第七段。本段倒数第二句“I have learnt that the end of the rainbow is beyond my reach,but in consolation,with just a click of the mouse,I too can have a share in the riches that the Atocha has revealed.”提及,作者也可以通过点击鼠标,分享Atocha号的宝藏,由此可知,作者对于能够通过网络看到这些海底宝藏是很开心的,故D正确。
Section B
52.Why did Fisher have to battle in the courts after he found the treasure (Para.4)?
答案:Because he was sued over ownership of the treasure by State of Florida and Federal Government.
解析:根据题干信息定位于第四段。段中提及“After battling with hostile conditions at sea,Fisher then had to battle in the courts.” 之后解释了原因,“In fact,the State of Florida took Fisher to court over ownership of the find and the Federal Government soon followed suit.”即:Fisher因为宝藏的所有权问题被佛罗里达州告上了法庭,随后联邦政府也因所有权问题起诉他。故答案为:Because he was sued over ownership of the treasure by State of Florida and Federal Government.
Section A
Passage Two
PAUL was dissatisfied with himself and with everything.The deepest of his love belonged to his mother.When he felt he had hurt her,or wounded his love for her,he could not bear it.Now it was spring,and there was battle between him and Miriam.This year he had a good deal against her.She was vaguely aware of it.The old feeling that she was to be a sacrifice to this love,which she had had when she prayed,was mingled in all her emotions.She did not at the bottom believe she ever would have him.She did not believe in herself primarily:doubted whether she could ever be what he would demand of her.Certainly she never saw herself living happily through a lifetime with him.She saw tragedy,sorrow,and sacrifice ahead.And in sacrifice she was proud,in renunciation she was strong,for she did not trust herself to support everyday life.She was prepared for the big things and the deep things,like tragedy.It was the sufficiency of the small day-life she could not trust.
The Easter holidays began happily.Paul was his own frank self.Yet she felt it would go wrong.On the Sunday afternoon she stood at her bedroom window,looking
across at the oak-trees of the wood,in whose branches a twilight was tangled,below the bright sky of the afternoon.Grey-green rosettes of honeysuckle leaves hung before the window,some already,she fancied,showing bud.It was spring,which she loved and dreaded.
Hearing the clack of the gate she stood in suspense.It was a bright grey day.Paul came into the yard with his bicycle,which glittered as he walked.Usually he rang his bell and laughed towards the house.Today he walked with shut lips and cold,cruel bearing that had something of a slouch and a sneer in it.She knew him well by now,and could tell from that keen-looking,aloof young body of his what was happening inside him.There was a cold correctness in the way he put his bicycle in its place that made her heart sink.
She came downstairs nervously.She was wearing a new net blouse that she thought became her.It had a high collar with a tiny ruff,making her,she thought,look
wonderfully a woman,and dignified.At twenty she was full-breasted and luxuriously formed.Her face was still like a soft rich mask,unchangeable.But her eyes,once lifted,were wonderful.She was afraid of him.He would notice her new blouse.
He,being in a hard,ironical mood,was entertaining the family to a description of a service given in the Primitive Methodist Chapel.He sat at the head of the table,his mobile face,with the eyes that could be so beautiful,shining with tenderness or dancing with laughter,now taking on one expression and then another,in imitation of various people he was mocking.His mockery always hurt her;it was too near the reality.He was too clever and cruel.She felt that when his eyes were like this,hard with mocking hate,he would spare neither himself nor anybody else.But Mrs.Leivers was wiping her eyes with laughter,and Mr.Leivers,just awake from his Sunday nap,was rubbing his head in amusement.The three brothers sat with ruffled,sleepy appearance in their shirt-sleeves,giving a guffaw from time to time.The whole family loved a “take-off” more than anything.
44.It can be learned from the beginning that Mariam's attitude toward love between her and Paul is
[A] indifferent.[B] desperate.[C] pessimistic.[D] ambiguous.
45.The narration in Para.3 tells us that Miriam had all the following feelings except
[A] delight.[B] expectation.[C] uncertainty.[D] forebearing.
46.Which of the following statements is correct about the family's response to Paul's mockery?
[A] Only the parents found it entertaining.
[B] Every member except Mariam was amused.
[C] The brothers found it hard to appreciate.
[D] Mariam also thought it was amusing
44.答案C。根据题干中的关键词Mariam's attitude toward love定位到第一段。本段中提及“She did not at the bottom believe she ever would have him.She did not believe in herself primarily:doubted whether she could ever be what he would demand of her.Certainly she never saw herself living happily through a lifetime with him.She saw tragedy,sorrow,and sacrifice ahead.”由句中的中心词doubt,never living happily,tragedy,sorrow,and sacrifice可知,Mariam对于她和Paul的爱情是悲观的,选项C符合文意。选项A.indifferent“漠视的”和选项D.ambiguous“模棱两可的”不符合文意。选项B.desperate“绝望的”也不准确,后文中第四段提及Mariam穿了一件新的干净的上衣(a new net blouse),意图取悦她的男朋友,说明她对爱情并不是绝望的,故C正确。
45.答案A。根据题干信息定位在第3段。段首提及Mariam听到大门的声响后,疑惑地站在那里(stood in suspense),选项C.uncertainty符合此处文意,故排除。段中还提及,当Mariam看到Paul的表情是冷漠、残忍、无精打采甚至嘲弄(cold,cruel,slouch,sneer)的时候,她的心在下沉(her heart sink),预感到不幸的事情会发生,故选项D.foreboding“有不祥预感的”符合文意,排除。选项A.delight“愉快”在本段中并没有体现。故选A。
46.答案B。根据题干中的关键词 the family's response定位在第五段。本段的最后描述了Mariam家人对Paul的嘲弄表情的态度。即:利弗斯太太笑得直擦眼泪,利弗斯先生从他星期日午睡刚醒来,乐得直摸脑袋。三兄弟挽着衬衫袖子坐在那儿,昏昏欲睡的样子,不时发出狂笑。由句中的关键词“with laughter”、“in amusement”和“giving a guffaw”可知,全家人除了Mariam,其他人都对于Paul的嘲弄并不在意,反而觉得很有趣。故选项B符合文意。
Section B
54.What is the meaning of the sentence “…he would spare neither himself nor anybody else” in Para.5?
答案:Everyone,including himself,would become the victims of his mockery.
解析:根据题干信息定位在第五段。理解本句的关键在于单词spare的意思。spare做动词时,表示“分出,匀出”和“饶恕,宽恕”的意思。结合上下文可以判断,文中的spare表示“饶恕”的意思,即:Paul的嘲弄不会饶恕所有人,包括他自己。故答案为:Everyone,including himself,would become the victims of his mockery.