Unit 08
得 登机牌 等 低 底 地点 地球 地址 调查 掉 丢 动作
例句:这个得多少钱?How much is it?
这一次你考这么好,回家你爸爸妈妈一定得表扬你。Your parents certainly will praise you for your excellent performance in the exam.
你快一点儿,要不我们今天就得迟到了。If you don’t hurry up,we will certainly be late today.
要取得好成绩,就得努力学习。We have to work hard to earn good marks.
搭配:一张登机牌a boarding pass;换登机牌to get one’s boarding pass
例句:先生,这是您的登机牌,请从二号门登机。Sir,this is your boarding pass.Please board at gate2.
对不起,小姐,我可以看一下您的登机牌吗?Excuse me,madam,your boarding pass please.
搭配:等等etc.;等地and somewhere else
例句:长江、黄河等河流在中国非常有名。Rivers such as Yangtze River,Yellow River and so on are very famous in China.
北京、上海等大城市人非常多。Big cities such as Beijing,Shanghai and so on have a large population.
搭配:楼层低a lower floor/storey;水平低a low standard;低空at a low altitude
例句:他家住二层,楼层很低。He lives on the second floor,a lower floor.
他这个人做事总是眼高手低。He always thinks himself above his business.
搭配:海底下sea bed,bottom of the sea;底层ground floor/bottom(of the society);年底the end of the year;月底the end of the month
例句:你再等两天吧,到这个月底,我一定重新给你买一个。I will buy a new one for you at the end of this month.Please just wait for several days.
你仔细看看,树底下的那个人是不是王东?Look carefully over there.The man under the tree is Wang Dong,right?
例句:北京是这部小说的背景地点。Beijing is the setting of the novel.
开会地点在宾馆会议室。The place for the meeting is in the meeting room of the hotel.
搭配:地球仪a terrestrial globe;世界地球日World Earth Day;保护地球to protect the earth
例句:人类在地球上生活了几百万年。Human beings have been living on earth for millions of years.
每年的四月二十二日,我们都要举办“世界地球日”活动。Every year on April22, we hold a theme activity for the World Earth Day.
搭配:家庭地址home address;电子邮件地址E-mail address
例句:你把地址给我,我把书给你寄过去。Give me your address.I will send the book to you.
这上面有王东的地址、电话,你可以和他联系一下。Here is Wang Dong’s address and phone number.You can contact him first.
搭配:市场调查a market survey;调查结果findings;调查真相to find out/investigate into the truth
例句:他下决心一定要把这件事情调查清楚。He is determined to make a full investigation.
王东打算明天去做一下市场调查。Wang Dong plans to make a market survey tomorrow.
搭配:掉眼泪be in tears;掉头发to lose hair;吃掉to eat out
例句:桌子上的饼干被谁吃掉了?Who ate the biscuits on the desk?
李红发现自己最近总是掉头发。Li Hong found herself losing some hair recently.
你的钱包掉地上了。Your wallet dropped on the floor.
搭配:丢掉to throw away;丢脸to lose face;丢东西to lose sth;丢三落四be forgetful and always leaving things behind
例句:你真是太粗心,这么重要的东西怎么会丢了呢?Why are you so careless to lose such an important thing?
你不觉得这样做很丢脸吗?Don’t you think your behavior is so shameful?
他常常丢三落四。He is a man who always forgets things.
搭配:动作电影an action movie;标准动作a standard action;小动作a small action
例句:你这个动作做得不太标准。Your action is not right.
这两天没见王东有任何动作。Wang Dong has no actions in these days.
A地球 B地址 C掉 D调查 E丢 F动作
1.事情还没( )清楚,你先别生气。
2.( )是我们共同的家,我们要保护它。
3.你的东西( )在地上了。
4.上课时要认真听,不能做小( )。
5.A:收信人的( )写谁的?
B:他的手机前两天就( )了,正打算去买个新的呢。
A得 B登机牌 C等 D低 E底 F地点
7.出国旅游( )先办好护照和签证。
8.这本词典原来掉到桌子( )下了。
9.没有( )是上不了飞机的。
10.虽然是小城市,这儿的生活成本却不( )。
11.这次的会议( )是在办公楼818,时间还没定。
12.抽烟、喝酒( )不良习惯都对健康不利。
1.政府 这起事故 正在对 进行 调查_________________________________________
2.母亲 是 人类 地球 的____________________________________________________
3.把 钱包 了 丢 他________________________________________________________
4.都 这几个 你 错了 动作 做______________________________________________
5.王东 我把 地址 给了 李红家的____________________________________________
