Unit 03
饼干 并且 博士 不过 不得不 不管 不仅 部分 擦 猜 材料 参观
搭配:几块饼干some biscuits;低糖饼干biscuits with low sugar
例句:真抱歉,这种饼干已经卖完了。We’re very sorry that this kind of biscuits were sold out.
她早饭只吃了几块饼干。She took some biscuits as breakfast.
例句:她很快做完了作业,并且检查了一遍。She finished the work quickly,and checked it again.
我们讨论并且通过了一项计划。We discussed and approved a plan.
我觉得这个房子租金不贵,并且环境、交通都很好。The rent of this house is low and the traffic is very good.
搭配:博士帽doctoral cap;博士研究生doctoral candidate
例句:他博士生毕业以后就进了这家公司。He entered this company after getting the doctoral degree.
王东想去国外读博士。Wang Dong wants to pursue a doctorate abroad.
例句:我猜她不过三十岁。I guess she is at most30years old.
小王认为这不过是个游戏,不用太认真的。Xiao Wang thinks that this is merely a game,do not take it too seriously.
这个笔记本挺好看,不过价格有点贵。This notebook looks good,but it is a bit expensive.
例句:因为没有工作,他不得不靠父母生活。He has to live on his parents because of his unemployment.
我不得不说,你的方法更好。I have to admit that your method is better than mine.
在事实面前,他不得不说真话。In the face of the facts,he had to tell the truth.
例句:不管遇到什么问题,我们都要按时完成任务。No matter what will happen,we must finish the work on schedule.
不管天晴还是下雨,我明天都会来。I shall come tomorrow,rainy or sunny.
不管他说什么,我就是不生气。Whatever he said,I would not get mad.
搭配:不仅如此moreover;不仅……还……not only...but;both;不仅……而且……not only...but also...
例句:李红不仅没给他打电话,还把手机也关了。Li Hong didn’t call him,but also turned off her mobile phone.
他不仅在工作上给我帮助,而且在生活上也很关心我。He helps me not only in my work,but also in my life.
这不仅是我一个人的意见。It’s not my personal opinion.
搭配:大部分a large portion;第一部分the first part
例句:大部分的词语她都没写出来。She can’t write out most of the words.
这本书的上半部分我已经看完了。I have finished reading the first half of this book.
搭配:擦鞋to polish shoes;擦桌子to clean the desk;擦窗户to clean the window
例句:她吃过饭后把桌子擦得干干净净。She cleaned the table thoroughly after dinner.
你把窗户擦擦。Please clean the window.
搭配:猜谜语to guess a riddle;猜不出to miss one’s guess;猜对to guess right;猜错to make a bad guess
例句:你猜不到她最后做了些什么。You cannot guess what she has done at last.
王红猜了半天,也不知道是谁送她的花。Wang Hong guessed for a long time,but still couldn’t figure out who had given the flower to her.
搭配:写作材料writing materials;重要材料important materials
例句:对王红来说,这些材料非常重要。These materials are very important to Wang Hong.
王先生去买学习材料了,一会儿就回来。Mr.Wang was out to buy some learning materials and would be back soon.
搭配:参观学习a studying tour;参观故宫to visit the Forbidden City
例句:你们明天要去哪儿参观?Where will you visit tomorrow?
你先随便参观一下,我去看看李经理在不在。Please take a casual visit around.I will check whether Manager Li is available.
1.A.自己现在没时间 B.想再去买点东西
C.想找人帮忙打扫 D.欢迎大家去做客
2.A.逛街 B.买电脑 C.看电影 D.在家休息
A并且 B博士 C饼干 D不得不 E不管 F不过
1.因为怎么都找不到李红,我( )给赵刚打了一个电话。
2.她昨天来公司找我了,( )没和我说这件事。
3.我们做自己喜欢的事,( )努力把它做好。
4.按照小王现在的能力,考上( )是没有问题的。
男:您放心吧,( )今天做到几点,我保证在明天会议前把表格送过去。
6.马上就要吃饭了,你少吃点儿( )。
A不仅 B部分 C擦 D猜 E材料 F参观
7.她没有想到,前来( )的游客会这么多。
8.窗户不太干净,你用水( )一遍。
9.他这次去北京,( )见到了老同学,还参观了以前的中学。
10.按照经理的要求,我不得不重新整理这些( )。
11.男:你( ),我这次给你带了什么礼物?
男:我打算带我们班一( )学生去北京大学参观一下。
1.二十分钟 现在 参观时间 离 还有_________________________________________
2.一部分 他在 上海 还有 朋友______________________________________________
3.妈妈的鞋子 擦得 她 干干净净 把__________________________________________
4.回家的路上 小王现在 一定 我猜 在________________________________________
5.留在 照顾妹妹 王玲 家里 不得不__________________________________________
