Unit 06
粗心 存 错误 答案 打扮 打扰 打印 打招呼 打折 打针 大概 大使馆
搭配:非常粗心be very careless;粗心大意carelessness
例句:小王最大的问题就是工作粗心。Xiao Wang’s biggest problem is his carelessness in work.
我家孩子总是粗心大意怎么办?How should I deal with my child’s carelessness?
搭配:存钱to save money;存包to deposit one’s bag;存行李to deposit luggage
例句:你下午去银行把钱存起来吧,放在家里不安全。Deposit your money in the bank this afternoon and it’s not safe at home.
先把行李存在这儿,等一会儿再来拿。Deposit our luggage here first and take it later.
搭配:错误的思想wrong idea;错误的决定wrong decision;犯错误to do sth wrong;改正错误to correct one’s mistakes
例句:他没考虑清楚,做了错误的决定。He didn’t think it through and made a wrong decision.
如果你能改正错误的话,还是个好孩子。You are still a good kid if you correct your mistakes.
搭配:标准答案a correct answer;得到答案to get an answer
例句:李红手里拿着的才是标准答案。Li Hong has the correct answer.
我一直没有找到能让我满意的答案。I haven’t found the satisfactory answer yet.
搭配:打扮自己to make/dress oneself up;学生打扮dressed as students
例句:你今天打扮得这么漂亮,要去哪儿啊?You look so beautiful today.Where are you going?
没想到这么小的孩子也知道爱美,开始打扮自己了。I didn’t expect that such a young child would know what beauty is and begins to dress herself up so early.
搭配:打扰大家to disturb everyone;不要再来打扰我don’t disturb me again
例句:他现在工作很忙,我不想打扰他。He is working busily now,I don’t want to disturb him.
对不起,先生,打扰您一下,请问去故宫怎么走?Excuse me,sir.How can I get to the Forbidden City?
搭配:打印机a printer;打印材料to print some material
例句:这些材料都需要打印出来吗?Do I need to print all these materials?
这是刚打印出来的会议活动安排表,您看一下。This Conference Activity Schedule is newly printed.Please have a look.
搭配:没打招呼without a greeting;打了一个招呼to greet sb with a nod;to say hello
例句:刚才看到王东,你怎么都没和他打招呼?Why don’t you greet Wang Dong when you see him just now?
在回家的路上我给王先生打了个招呼。I greeted Mr.Wang on my way home.
搭配:打折卡discount card;打五折at50%discount;打折品discounts merchandise
例句:现在的机票都在打折,坐飞机比火车还便宜。The air tickets are on sale now,so traveling by airplane is cheaper than by train.
这件衣服打折以后还要一千多呢。This dress is still more than one thousand RMB with the discount.
搭配:打针吃药to take injections and medicines;去医院打针to get an injection at hospital
例句:这两天我都要去医院打针。I have to get injections at hospital these two days.
他非常害怕打针。He is afraid of taking an injection.
搭配:大概情况a general situation;大概的想法a vague idea
例句:他嘴上没说,心里却明白了大概。He said nothing,but had a general idea in his mind.
从这儿到学校,大概需要三十分钟。It takes roughly30minutes to get to school from here.
搭配:中国大使馆the Chinese Embassy;驻华大使馆Embassy to the People’s Republic of China
例句:王东的爸爸在大使馆工作。Wang Dong’s father works at the embassy.
他下午准备去大使馆办签证。He is going to the embassy to receive his visa in the afternoon.
A打扮 B打扰 C打印 D打折 E打针 F大概
1.雨并没有下多大,( )半夜就不下了。
2.真没有想到,她( )一下会这么漂亮。
3.很抱歉,我们商店的这次( )活动已经结束了。
4.妈妈,我能不能只吃药,不去( )啊?
5.A:( )了您这么长时间,真是不好意思。
6.A:小王,经理问上午让你( )的材料好了没有。
A大使馆 B存 C打招呼 D粗心 E答案 F错误
7.我去银行( )钱。
8.如果你不( ),就一定能考到一百分。
9.我现在也不知道,这两个( )哪一个才是对的。
10.我觉得你还是先给( )打个电话,如果签证下来了,你再去。
11.A:你刚刚跟谁( )呢?
B:年轻人,犯( )很正常。
1.打扮过 从来 这样 她 都没有_____________________________________________
2.想法 错误 你的 是 的____________________________________________________
3.打印出来 安排我 经理 把 这些材料________________________________________
4.去 办了 大使馆 他 签订__________________________________________________
5.打针 孩子 不愿意 一直 去________________________________________________
