Lesson 3 Thanks,but no thanks.谢谢,但是不必了。
Part 1 Real Life Situation
You're having an argument with your girlfriend and she won't talk to you.You tell your friend about this and he offers to talk to her for you.You think that's a really bad idea because it's none of your friend's business and you think it would make your girlfriend even more angry.You say this in response to his offer:
Thanks,but no thanks.谢谢,但是不必了。
Part 2 Pronunciation and intonation
So,in the sentence "Thanks,but no thanks.",pay attention to the pronunciation of these parts.
1.In "thanks",always remember to press your up-per teeth with the tip of your tongue,and make the/θ/sound.Also,the/ks/sound should not be divided and become something like/kəs/,it should be quick and crisp:/ks/,for example:thanks,books,makes.
1.在 “thanks” 的发音中,一定要记住用舌尖压住上牙,发出/θ/这个音。另外,/ks/这个音不能分开发出来,不要发成/kəs/,要快速而清脆:/ks/,例如,thanks (谢谢),books (书本),makes (做)。
2.The "t" in the word "but" should definitely be weakened,even left out.Make it sound more like/bʌ/:but no thanks.
2.“but” 中 “t” 的发音一定要弱读,甚至可以去掉。让它听起来更像/bʌ/:but no thanks。
Now,let's focus on tone and intonation,and say the entire sentence with hesitation.And the first"thanks" comes with a higher tone than the second one.The word "but" is basically toneless.
现在,我们重点看看语气和语调,以一种犹豫的感觉说出这个句子。第一个 “thanks” 的音调高于第二个,“but” 基本上没有声调。
So,now you know how to say this sentence like a native speaker.
Part 3 My explanation
The first expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第1个表达是
Thanks, but no thanks.谢谢, 但是不必了。
This English expression means "no".You use it when:
这句英文表达的意思是 “不”,在满足下列条件时使用:
1.Someone offers to help you or give you something.
2.You don't want it.
3.You think the offer is strange,annoying,or unbelievable.
4.You want to show that you didn't like the offer,but still speak politely.
You can use"Thanks,but no thanks." in sit-uations like these:
你可以把 “谢谢,但是不必了。”用在以下情况:
● A friend offers you some food that looks disgusting.
● 一个朋友给你吃看起来很恶心的食物。
● A salesman tries to sell you something that you definitely don't want.
● 销售员向你推销你根本不想要的商品。
●You got laid off last year,and now your old boss calls to try to get you to come back to your old job.
● 你去年被解雇了,但你前东家又打电话,试图说服你回去上班。
The second expression we will learn is 我们要学习的第2个表达是
"Thanks" is a friendlier,lighter way to say"thank you".
“谢谢” 是比 “谢谢你” 听起来更友好、更轻松的一种表达。
A:Here's your tea.(这是你的茶。)
Use it with people you know pretty well like family members,friends,and coworkers who you've spoken with in the past.
在你很熟悉的人,比如家人、朋友和说过话的同事面前,可以用 thanks。