ColdFusion 9 Developer Tutorial

Chapter 4. ORM Database Interaction

In this chapter, we will learn about ORM, the Object Relational Management feature of ColdFusion 9. This is one of the new features that many developers have declared to be the number one reason for them to upgrade. We can still write SQL code to interact with our database but in many cases this will not be the preferred method. The new ORM interface in ColdFusion is so simple and powerful that beginners to gurus will choose the ORM option for data interaction. Many developers who have never moved beyond just using the query tag are for the first time enjoying a new interface to their data persistence. Here is what this chapter will cover:

  • Introduction to ORM in ColdFusion
  • Simple guide to mapping data
  • Working with data through object entities
  • Working with relational data
  • Adding custom configuration