The evolution of Indian Zen Buddhism to Chinese Zen Buddhism is a process of the domestication of foreign cultures. Because of the fact that Chinese scholar-bureaucrats enjoyed the cultural identity of“following religions”, the aesthetic state of the Zen had deeply influenced the group of scholar-bureaucrats with the aesthetics of the Wei and the Jin Dynasties. The founder of the Painting of Man-of-letters, Wang Wei, lived in the Tang Dynasty when the Zen Buddhism was at its prime and prosperity. The perceptions and inspirations of men-of-letters were manifested through the form of painting, and have been since featured among the world of arts.
Since the late Ming Dynasty the process of globalization began with the great geographical discovery in the West. During this period, the Chinese Painting of Man-of-letters experienced three times of climaxes among which two took place at the time of the change of dynasties when the political upheavals pushed culture to the height. However, with the aggressive entry of Western cultures and the disadvantages caused by the decadent stage of the Painting of Man-of-letters, its decline was inevitable. What is the evolutionary relation between the prosperity and decline of the Painting of Man-of-letters and the Zen Buddhism philosophy and culture? How did the Zen Buddhism continue as the core aesthetic philosophy of the Painting of Man-of-letters after its decline? Chinese culture has a long history of evolution, during which the Zen Buddhism reached the climax and then declined when the Ra tionalistic Confucian Philosophy and the School of Mind went to their primes. The combination of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism led to the decline of the Zen Buddhism as an independent religion. However,the spirits of Zen Buddhism were immersed to the different aspects of Chinese culture because of the aesthetic level of its purity and harmony. The ways of its lurking undercurrent continuance are as follows:1. The evolution and influence of Confucian Zen Buddhism;2. Pan Tianshou' s perseverance to the traditional teaching of painting; 3. The influence experienced by the overseas Chinese students in Japan, and 4. The existence of the Zen with the Painting Monks System. The continuance of the Zen Buddhism philosophy in these ways made its prosperity in the later development inevitable. Nowadays with the economic globalization, the Western Industrial Revolution brought forth to the East not only the material civilization, but also disadvantages both in industry, and in culture where they have their own invincible bottleneck. The two Japanese Zen masters Daisetz Suzuki and Shunryu Suzuki made great contributions in spreading the philosophies of Zen philosophies by combining them with European and American cultures,where the post-modernism emerged as the times required. The post-modernism had its understanding of Zen in the western way, which is not completely in line with the philosophies of Zen Buddhism. However, the determination to be reborn by the Zen Buddhism in the West can still be felt. In this information age when the East and the West cultures exchanged and immersed with each other through conflicts,the immersion of these two is not the distinction of the features of the two different aesthetic systems. Instead, it reflects the complementation of the two,as what Mr. Fei Xiaotong described as the existence of the differences but harmonies of various beauties. The Zen Buddhism focuses on the comprehension of noumenon and therefore it is an indistinct culture of purity. This indistinct aesthetic state leads to the positive mutual effects between the Eastern and Western cultures during the process of the diversified coexistence of Zen Buddhism and Western civilization.
The Western civilization has more and more interest in Zen Buddhism philosophies and more Chinese Zen masters began to spread the philosophies outside China. For example, Stanford University of the U.S. has its own Meditation Center. As far as Chinese painting is concerned, it had made many explorations under the influence of the West in modern andcontemporary times,and has settled down to seek the origin in the aesthetics field and focuses on deeper explorations at the national aesthetic levels. In the past two years, the Great Art Exhibition of Huang Binhong, the Great Art Exhibition of Pan Tianshou by the National Art Museum of China, and the Art Exhibition by the Four Monks held by the Palace Museum have given rise to great influence in society,and these events can be considered as a symbol of the resurgence of traditional aesthetics, and as a result, the study of Zen Buddhism as the core of traditional aesthetics has been of great importance in current days.
Key Words: ZenBuddhism, Man-of-letters, Continuance, Purity, Self-confidence