Streaming Data
The requirements for a streaming data layer are different from a batch-oriented data lake. Firstly, the time dimension plays a crucial role. Any event data that enters the message bus as a stream must be timestamped. Secondly, performance and latency are more important since it must be certain that data can be processed in due time. Thirdly, the way that analytics and machine learning are applied differs; while the data is being streamed in, the system must analyze it in near-real-time. In general, streaming data software relies more on computing power than storage space; processing speed, low latency, and high throughput are key. Nevertheless, the storage requirements that are in place for a streaming data system are worth considering and are a bit different from "static" batch-driven applications.
A typical streaming datastore is separated into topics. A topic is named as such in the popular streaming data store Kafka. These can be considered as being like tables in a traditional database. In other frameworks, they might have different names; for example, in the cloud-based Amazon Kinesis data store, the topics are called shards. For the sake of clarity, we will continue to call them topics in the remainder of this chapter. Topics can be secured by administering role-based access. For example, in a bank, there are many kinds of streaming data: financial transactions, page visits of clients, stock market traders, and others. Each of these kinds of data gets its own topic in a streaming data store, with its own data format, security, access role, and availability rating.
Data at rest (stored in an event bus) and in motion (incoming and outgoing traffic) should be encrypted with the mechanisms we explained in the Security subsection within the Raw Data section.
When analyzing data streams, it's crucial to select technology and write code that can handle thousands or even millions of records per second. For example, systems that work with Internet of Things (IoT) or sensory data must handle massive amounts of events. There are two important performance requirements for these systems:
- The amount of data (the number of events per second and bytes per second) that the event bus and stream processing engine is able to handle; this is the base figure that tells us whether there is a risk of overloading the system. In frameworks such as Kafka, Spark, and Flink, this is scalable; roughly speaking, just add more hardware to process more events.
- The amount of data that the software runs as jobs on the stream processing engine that it is able to handle. The software should run fast enough to be able to process all events per time window before a new calculation is required. Therefore, the software that performs the aggregations and eventually more complex event processing, such as machine learning, must be optimized and carefully tested.
When a streaming engine crashes or must be taken offline for maintenance, it should only temporarily stop processing the never-ending stream of data and reprocess any events it missed. Also, there must be a guarantee that no data is lost; even when the system is down temporarily, data should be replayed into the streaming engine to make sure that all the events go through the system. To that extent, modern streaming engines such as Spark and Flink offer savepoints and checkpoints. These are backups of the in-memory state of the streaming engine to disk. If there is a crash or scheduled maintenance, the latest checkpoint or savepoint is reloaded into memory from disk, and the data isn't lost. In combination with Kafka offsets (the latest point that is read from a data source topic by a consumer), it's clear that all data is replayed if necessary.
There are three main semantics when configuring availability and preventing the data loss of a streaming system:
- At-least-once: The guarantee that any event is processed at least once, but it's possible that one event goes through the system multiple times in the event of failures.
- At-most-once: The guarantee that any event is never processed more than once.
- Exactly-once: The guarantee that any event is processed exactly once by the streaming engine; this can only be accomplished with tight integration between the event bus (using offsets) and the streaming engine (using checkpoints and savepoints).
For example, one of the requirements of PacktBank is to analyze the financial transactions and online user activity of its customers in real time. Use cases that should be supported include real-time fraud detection and customer support (based on clickstreams and actions in the mobile app). A streaming engine was designed and developed with state-of-the-art technology, including Apache Kafka and Apache Flink. The requirement for the availability of the system was clear: in the case of maintenance or bugs, the system should not lose any data, since all transactions have to be processed. It's better to have a little delay and to keep customers waiting for a few minutes more than to miss fraudulent transactions altogether. Therefore, the architecture of the system was designed with an at-least-once guarantee of data availability. For every streaming job that handles the customer event data, an offset in Kafka keeps track of the latest data that has been read. Once data has entered a job in Flink, it's backed up in savepoints and checkpoints to make sure that no data has been lost.
In a streaming data system, the data is used when it's "fresh." Old data is only used for training models and generating historical (aggregated) reports. Therefore, the retention of a streaming data topic in an event bus can usually be set to a few days or a few weeks at the most. This saves storage space and other resources. When setting this requirement, think carefully about the aggregation step; perhaps it's useful to store the averages per hour or the results of the window calculations in your stream. As a typical example, the clickstream data of an online news website is only valuable when it's less than 1 day old. After all, news that's 1 day old is not very relevant anymore and the customers who have read the articles have already moved on!.
Retention is also related to the amount of data that is expected. Sometimes, the number of events is just too many to be stored for a long period of time. When reasoning about data retention, it's advised to estimate the average and peak load of a system first. This can be done by multiplying the number of concurrent data sources that produce event data with the number of events that are being produced. For example, a payment processing engine at PacktBank has 1 million users in total, which all make 3 payments per day on average with a peak of 20 per day. The average load of the system is 1 million x 3 = 3 million payments per day, which is about 2,000 payments per minute or 35 per second. At peak times, this can rise to 250 or so per second. A streaming data store that handles these events should be able to store these amounts of data and set a retention period in such a way that the disks will not become full.
Exercise 2.04: Setting the Requirements for Data Retention
For this exercise, imagine that you are building a real-time marketing engine for an online clothing distribution company. Based on the online behavior of (potential) customers, you want to create advertisements and personalized offerings to increase your sales. You will get real-time clickstreams (page visits) as your prime event data source. On average, 200,000 inpiduals visit your website per day. They spend about 20 minutes on your site and usually visit the home page, their favorites, about 75 clothing items, and their shopping basket.
The aim of this exercise is to become familiar with the concept of data retention.
Now, answer the following questions for this use case:
- What is a reasonable number of events that the system should be able to handle per minute? Are there peak times, and how would you handle them?
A quick estimation: 200,000 visits per day is 8,333 per hour on average. But we expect the evenings to be much busier than the mornings and nights, so we aim for a load of 25,000 concurrent users. They visit at least 75 items plus some other pages, so a reasonable clickstream size is 100-page visits per 20 minutes, which is 5 visits per minute. So, the total load is 5 x 25,000 = 125, 000 events per minute.
- What retention policy would you attach to the event data? How long would the events be useful for in their raw form? Would you still require a report or other form of historical insight into the old data?
The page visits will probably be valuable data for a week or so. After a week, other items will have sparked the interest of the clients, so the real-time information about the old events won't be as valuable anymore. Of course, this depends on the frequency of visits; if someone only logs in once per month, the historical data might be valuable over a longer period of time.
In this section, we discussed the typical requirements for streaming data storage: security, performance, availability, and retention. In the next section, we'll explore the requirements for the analytics layer, where data is stored for quick access in APIs and reports.