What this book covers
Chapter 1, Let's Get the Basics out of the Way, explains how to set up an AL development sandbox, either locally or online, and then goes through basic topics that will typically be a part of all Business Central applications that you create.
Chapter 2, Customizing What's Already There, explains how you can customize the base Business Central application.
Chapter 3, Let's Go Beyond, explains topics that are not necessarily going to be implemented in every application, but are extremely powerful tools to be aware of for when the need arises.
Chapter 4, Testing and Debugging - You Just Gotta Do It, explains how to create automated tests for your Business Central application, and how you can use the debugger to track down issues.
Chapter 5, Old School, Meet New School, explains how to convert Dynamics NAV solutions to Business Central applications.
Chapter 6, Making Your App Extensible, explains things you can do in order to give other developers the ability to extend and customize your application.
Chapter 7, Business Central for All, explains the things that you can do in your Business Central application to connect a Business Central system to other external services and applications.
Chapter 8, DevOps - Don't Live without It, explains how to use Azure DevOps to track source code changes, and to automate the building and deploying of your application.
Chapter 9, Time to Share Your Application!, explains how to deliver your application to customers, both on-premises and online.