What this book covers
Chapter 1, Introduction to Kali NetHunter, introduces Kali NetHunter and describes some of the tools within its mobile platform. You'll learn about the Android platform and its security model, and finally you'll learn how to install the Kali NetHunter platform on an Android device.
Chapter 2, Understanding the Phases of the Pentesting Process, covers the importance and need for penetration testing in the digital world. You'll learn about the different types of threat actors and cyber security teams within an organization. Furthermore, you'll learn the basics of penetration testing by learning about the phases and various frameworks.
Chapter 3, Intelligence Gathering Tools, explores the various methods and resources a penetration tester can use to obtain information about a target.
Chapter 4, Scanning and Enumeration Tools, covers an overview of scanning and enumeration. You'll learn about various scanning techniques and tools in order to better profile a target. Additionally, using numerous techniques and tools, you'll be able to extraction information from the target using the process of enumeration.
Chapter 5, Penetrating the Target, covers some top tips for successfully exploiting a system and gaining access. By the end of this chapter, you'll be able to use various techniques to gain access to a target.
Chapter 6, Clearing Tracks and Removing Evidence from a Target, covers the importance of clearing your tracks as a penetration tester. You'll learn about various types of logs and their locations, a number of utilities and tools to assist in clearing log data, and removing files from both Windows and Linux systems.
Chapter 7, Packet Sniffing and Traffic Analysis, explores various packet sniffing techniques, tools, and devices. At the end of the chapter, you will be able to perform packet sniffing using a number of native tools within Kali NetHunter. Additionally, you'll learn how to analyze data using some very well-known tools.
Chapter 8, Targeting Wireless Devices and Networks, covers the types of wireless networks, standards, and topologies. You'll learn about a wide array of threats and attacks that occur on wireless networks and will be able to perform these attacks yourself.
Chapter 9, Avoiding Detection, covers the fundamentals a penetration tester needs to know and understand in order to be stealthy using various techniques during a penetration test.
Chapter 10, Hardening Techniques and Countermeasures, covers commonly-found threats in the digital world and explains how to secure network appliances, client and server operating systems, and mobile devices.
Chapter 11, Building a Lab, covers the requirements and process of setting up a personal penetration testing lab environment, as well as how to assemble it.
Chapter 12, Selecting A Kali Device and Hardware, helps you choose a suitable device for Kali NetHunter.