Installing PyCUDA (Linux)
Open up a command line in Linux. Ensure that your PATH variable is set up correctly to use the local Anaconda installation of Python (rather than the system-wide installation) by typing which python at the bash prompt and pressing Enter (Anaconda should have automatically configured your .bashrc during installation); this should tell you that the Python binary is in your local ~/anaconda2/bin directory, rather than in the /usr/bin directory. If this isn't the case, open a text editor and put the line export PATH="/home/${USER}/anaconda2/bin:${PATH}" at the end of your ~/.bashrc file, save this, open a new Terminal, and then check again.
There are several options for installation of PyCUDA. The easiest option is to install the latest stable version from the PyPI repository by typing pip install pycuda. You can also install the latest version of PyCUDA by following the instructions at the PyCUDA official website at https://mathema.tician.de/software/pycuda/. Please note that if you wish to re-install PyCUDA from a different source, be sure to uninstall it first with pip uninstall pycuda.