Testing PyCUDA
Finally, we're at the point where we can see whether our GPU programming environment actually works. We will run a small program from the next chapter that will query our GPU and yield some relevant information about the model number, memory, number of cores, architecture, and so forth. Get the Python file (deviceQuery.py) from directory 3 in the repository, which is also available at https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Hands-On-GPU-Programming-with-Python-and-CUDA/blob/master/3/deviceQuery.py.
If you are using Windows, be sure to launch the GPU programming environment by launching the .bat file on our desktop we made in the last section. Otherwise, if you are using Linux, open a bash Terminal. Now type the following line and press Enter—python deviceQuery.py.
This will output many lines of data, but the first few lines should indicate that your GPU has been detected by PyCUDA, and you should see the model number in the following line:
Congratulations, you are now ready to embark upon the world of GPU programming!