Adding map elements
An important element in any map is an understanding of scale, to provide readers with a sense of the scope of the map, as well as provide a measurement tool if needed. We have created maps at two different scales, but it is generally not necessary to provide a scale for locator maps, so we'll just create one for the more detailed US Counties map. The scale bar tool generates a scale for whichever map frame is selected, but don't worry if you've accidentally started the process with the wrong frame selected, as ArcGIS Pro makes it easy to switch frames after the scale bar is inserted.
To make sure you are inserting the scale bar for the correct map, click on the US Counties frame to select it:
- Click Insert|Scale Bar. Under the imperial section (feet and miles), select Alternating Scale Bar 1. Drag it to the bottom of the map so you can see it clearly, then right-click and select Properties. First, verify that you have it set for the correct map. Next to Map Frame, US Counties should be selected:

- Under the Scale Bar tab in the ribbon, select Design and set the following:
- Resize behavior: Adjust Width
- Division value: 50 mi
- Number of divisions: 5
- Number of subdivisions: 2
- Units: Miles
- Label position: Your choice
- To soften the weight of this very heavy looking element, switch to the Format tab and set the following using the Current Selection drop-down to change components:
- Scale Bar:
- Line: 70% gray
- Width: 0.5 pt
- Font: Your choice, Color: 70% gray
- Symbol 1:
- Fill: 70% gray
- Line: 70% gray
- Width: 0.5 pt
Place the Scale Bar in the bottom-center portion of the map of the layout (make sure it is inside the neatline), lined up with the bottom of the Locator Map. You should see dotted lines appear as you snap to this alignment, or you can add another guide to your ruler. If you do not see the rulers in the display, right-click on the virtual page and make sure Rulers is checked. Check your Scale Bar to make sure the length makes sense for your map. If you accidentally selected the wrong frame in the first step, just go back to the Properties and select the correct map frame. Next, you will add a north arrow:
- Click Insert|North Arrow. Select ArcGIS North 4 and it will appear in the center of the map. Place the North Arrow in the lower-right, roughly centered in the white space between the map and the Scale Bar. Try to center it as best as possible in this space.
- As with the Scale Bar, make sure the North Arrow is aligned to the US Counties map. Verify this on the Design tab on the ribbon, or the Format North Arrow pane at the right. Leave the Type at True North for now, we'll discuss this more in Chapter 7, Understanding and Choosing Projections:

Notice these elements also appear in the Drawing Order and can be renamed and reorganized. Be careful not to hide your map elements underneath your map!
Now you will add text elements to the map; the first will be the map title:
- Click Insert|Text and click near the top of the map. A text element will appear where you click.
- Replace Text with US Counties. The Format tab and pane will reappear. Highlight all of the text, or click on the map and click on your text to select it for modification.
- With the title selected (indicated by the handles), change the font to Times New Roman; make the font size 48 pt and make the title Bold. You probably noticed that the title and map were crowded together. Generally, you want the title balanced in the available white space at the top. This may vary depending on your layout. For now, we'll center it over the map
- With the title selected, move it with the mouse, or use the Ctrl + arrow keys on the keyboard to nudge the title. Move it until you have the same-sized gaps over and under the title. Use the dotted snapping guides that appear to help you.
- Use Insert|Text again to place the final elements. Do one at a time, moving the text element to its correction location before doing the next item, so you have a clear sense of where everything needs to be placed.
- For the first text element, type Projection: North America Equidistant Conic. Move this item to the bottom of the map, centered underneath the scale bar. Change the font to Arial, 8 pt. Do not make this text bold. Align it with the bottom edge of your Locator Map.
It's important to credit your source data, and also to include information on who made the map and when, as this helps others determine the timeliness and relevance of your map:
- Add your map credits individually along the bottom of the map under the Scale Bar (8 point, Arial):
Your name
Today's date
Source: Esri
- Align it in the lower-right corner of the map, lined up with the bottom of the Locator. Try to balance the space between it and the neatline to be the same size as the space between the locator and the left side of the neatline.
- To right-justify this text so it lines up neatly with the right corner of the neatline, use the Format Text pane, which also appears when you select text. Change to Text Symbol and scroll down to Position. Set the Horizontal alignment to right-justify and click Apply:

The final map should look something like the following: