Mastering Kali Linux for Web Penetration Testing

Three-tier models

Conceptually, the three-tier design is still used as a reference model, even if most applications have migrated to other topologies or have yet to evolve from a standalone implementation. While many applications now stray from this classic model, we still find it useful for understanding the basic facilities needed for real-world applications. We call it a three-tier model but it also assumes a fourth unnamed component: the client. 

The three tiers include the web tier (or front end), the application tier, and the database tier, as seen here: in the following figure:

The Three Tier Architecture provides greater scalability and specialization that modern enterprise applications require.

The role of each tier is important to consider:

  • Web or Presentation Tier/Server/Front End: This module provides the User Interface (UI), authentication and authorization, scaling provisions to accommodate the large number of users, high availability features (to handle load shifting, content caching, and fault tolerance), and any software service that must be provisioned for the client or is used to communicate with the client. HTML, eXtensible Markup Language (XML), Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (AJAX), Common Style Sheets (CSS), JavaScript, Flash, other presented content, and UI components all reside in this tier, which is commonly hosted by Apache, IBM WebSphere, or Microsoft IIS. In effect, this tier is what the users see through their browser and interact with to request and receive their desired outcomes.
  • Application or Business Tier/Server: This is the engine of the web application. Requests fielded by the web tier are acted upon here, and this is where business logic, processes, or algorithms reside. This tier also acts as a bridge module to multiple databases or even other applications, either within the same organization or with trusted third parties. C/C++, Java, Ruby, and PHP are usually the languages used to do the heavy lifting and turn raw data from the database tier into the information that the web tier presents to the client.
  • The Database Tier/Server: Massive amounts of data of all forms is stored in specialized systems called databases. These troves of information are arranged so they can be quickly accessed but continually scaled. Classic SQL implementations such as MySQL and ProstgreSQL, Redis, CouchDB, Oracle, and others are common for storing the data, along with a large variety of abstraction tools helping to organize and access that data. At the higher end of data collection and processing, there are a growing number of superscalar database architectures that involve Not Only SQL (NoSQL), which is coupled with database abstraction software such as Hadoop. These are commonly found in anything that claims to be Big Data or Data Analytics, such as Facebook, Google, NASA, and so on.
  • The Client: All of the three tiers need an audience, and the client (more specifically, their browser) is where users access the application and interact. The browser and its plugin software modules support the web tier in presenting the information as intended by the application developers.

The vendor takes this model and modifies it to accentuate their strengths or more closely convey their strategies. Both Oracle's and Microsoft's reference web application architectures, for instance, combine the web and application tiers into a single tier, but Oracle calls attention to its strength on the database side of things, whereas Microsoft expends considerable effort expanding on its list of complementary services that can add value to the customer (and revenue for Microsoft) to include load balancing, authentication services, and ties to its own operating systems on a majority of clients worldwide.