About the Authors
Samarth Shah is a software engineer by profession and maker by heart. He leads maker activities at Pune Makers and heads Infosys Robotics Club. He loves building creative/innovative prototypes using the latest hardware/sensors (Raspberry Pi, Arduino, Kinect, Leap Motion, and many more) and software. He has given talks at various national and international conferences. He has authored a book on Raspberry Pi entitled Learning Raspberry Pi, Packt Publishing. During the day, he works on various data visualization techniques and UI frameworks. At night, he does blogging, reading, writing, and many more things. You can read more about him at http://samarthshah.com.
Utsav Shah is an instrumentation engineer who loves to work on the latest hardware as well as software technologies. He has been featured on India's leading website http://yourstory.in and Ahmedabad Mirror (Times Group) for his research work on "Converting sign language into speech" using a Leap Motion controller. Apart from his regular work at Infosys Limited, he manages activities of Infosys Robotics Club. In his leisure time, he loves to read books and work on cutting-edge technologies.