ArcGIS for Desktop Cookbook

What this book covers

Chapter 1, Designing Geodatabase, teaches you how to create a file geodatabase for a topographic map. It shows you, step by step, how to create feature datasets, feature classes, subtypes, and domains. Furthermore, you will create relationship classes and test the relationship behavior.

Chapter 2, Editing Data, teaches you how to add data to your file geodatabase created in Chapter 1, Designing Geodatabase. In addition to this, you will learn to work with COordinate GeOmetry (COGO) elements, such as bearings, angles, and horizontal distances. You will identify all invalid attribute values for the newly created or loaded features in accordance with the domains created in the first chapter. You will also constrain and administrate the spatial relationships between features with geodatabase topology.

Chapter 3, Working with CRS, explains how to transform a CRS into another CRS using a predefined ArcGIS Project tool. You will also learn how to georeference a scanned topographic map. Furthermore, you will learn to define a custom CRS and a custom transformation.

Chapter 4, Geoprocessing, guides you through the geoprocessing tools for vector data, such as Spatial Join, Spatial Adjustment, Attribute transfer, Buffer, and Intersect. In addition to this, you will learn to work with the Model Builder application. You will build a geoprocessing workflow for a project named VeloGIS. This small project will analyze the possible consequences of creating a cycling infrastructure, taking into account the existing road network.

Chapter 5, Working with Symbology, teaches you how to manage a collection of symbols, colors, and map elements into a style format. The chapter also covers the Representation topic that refers to an advanced technique to symbolize geographic features on a map.

Chapter 6, Building Better Maps, teaches you how to create labels with Maplex Label Engine. The chapter also covers the Annotation topic, which refers to an advanced technique to label the geographic features. In addition to this, you will learn to create a quantitative bivariate map, which analyzes two variables from census data: level of education and unemployment rate for a country/region.

Chapter 7, Exporting Your Maps, teaches you how to design, prepare, and export quality maps. Finally, you will publish your maps on ArcGIS Online.

Chapter 8, Working with Geocoding and Linear Referencing, teaches you how to convert the address information into spatial data and how to manage and use these geocoded addresses. The second part of this chapter will show you how to build routes and events for three different bus lines and a complex route for delivering a customer service.

Chapter 9, Working with Spatial Analyst, teaches you how to work with and analyze raster data. It shows you, step by step, how to create a terrain surface, reclassify a raster, work with Map Algebra and statistical functions, generalize a raster, generate density surfaces, and perform a least-cost path analysis.

Chapter 10, Working with 3D Analyst, teaches you how to create 3D features from 2D features and how to create TIN and Terrain surfaces. You will analyze the visibility between buildings and three geodetic points from the ground, using the ArcScene application. Moreover, you will create an animated fly-by tour of your 3D buildings and Digital Terrain Model (DTM) in ArcScene and will export it to a video file.

Chapter 11, Working with Data Interoperability, teaches you how to manage different data formats. You will export and import a file geodatabase using the XML interchange format. The second part of this chapter will show you how to import vector data into your geodatabase using the ArcGIS Data Interoperability extension.