1 小心动词短语
要论英语口语和书面语的区别,我们可以举出很多: 口语句子较短;口语中连接词较少;口语有语气词、停顿、重复等等。但就谓语动词而言,口语不同于书面语的一个重要的区别是,口语喜欢使用音节少的短小动词和由短小动词+小品词(介词或副词)构成的动词短语。
(1)Jenny,there are a lot of diseases that can take your life. But this one takes over your life. Don't let it!
上面,动词take是“杀死”的意思,加上over(take over)就成了“控制,掌控”的意思。一字之差,意思相差很大。
试再举一例。电影《律政俏佳人》(Legally Blonde)里的Elle Woods是哈佛法学院的一名漂亮女生。一天,教授Callahan让她去办公室,说是要和她谈谈她的学业和未来的人生规划:
(2)Callahan: Have you thought about where you might be a summer associate?
Elle Woods: Oh, not really. I know it's very competitive.
Callahan: Well, you know what competition is really about, don't you? It's about ferocity, carnage, balancing human intelligence with animal diligence, knowing exactly what you want and how far you will go to get it. (Touching her hand)How far will Elle go?
Elle Woods: Are you hitting on me? 你这是在打我的主意吗?
Callahan: You are a beautiful girl. 你太漂亮了。
上面的对话中,Elle Woods说的“Are you hitting on me?”类似于“Are you propositioning me?你是在向我提出非分的要求吗?”当时这部电影的碟片的汉语台词是:“你想打我吗?”译者显然没有看出hit on和hit的区别。
其实,hit on在影视剧中出现的频率还算蛮高的,稍加留意,还可以见到下面的用例:
(3)We kind of made a plan so that the next time Woods hit on her, she'd have a witness.
(4)Are you hitting on me, David?David,你这是在向我示爱吗?
(5)咖啡店里店员向家庭保姆Daphne示好,暗恋 Daphne 的弟弟看见了,一肚子的醋意,对哥哥说道: Frasier, that man is hitting on our Daphne. I don't know how she stands it?
(6)I saw you hitting on Angie the other day.几天前我看你对Angie有意思。
《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)
为讨论上的方便,我们把影视剧中出现的动词短语分为两大类: 一类由be动词+介词或副词构成;另一类由常规动词(大都是简短动词)+介词或副词构成。
1. 由be动词+介词或副词构成的动词短语
(1)A: Any leads on the subway case?地铁案子有什么线索吗?
B: Uh, not that I've heard. But since I'm not on it, I wouldn't know.
(on=working on)
(2)We're in for a treat tomorrow.我们明天有好东西吃。
(be in for=to be going to experience something soon)
《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)
(3)A: He is an American citizen. You have to do something.
B: I don't need you to lecture me on civic responsibility.
A: Fine. But if he dies, you are on it.好吧。反正他死了,你脱不了干系。
(on=on board with)
(3)、(4)均出自《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)
(4)I'm going with Elizabeth on this one.在这个问题上,我同意Elizabeth的意见。
(with=agree with,下同。)
(5)Many, you are with me on this, right?Many,你同意我的看法,对吗?
《摩登家庭》(Modern Family)
I'm with your old lady on this one. I say take the money and run, man.
(Take the money and run本是伍迪·爱伦一部电影的片名,是“拿钱走人”的意思,这里是戏谑的说法。)
《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)
(7)I'm all for transparency, but not this, not giving away national secrets haphazardly.
(be all for=in complete support for,下同。)
(7)、(8)、(9)均出自《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)
(8)I'm all for the soft pedal.对这件事,我全力支持降温处理。
(9)Tell them. You are in.你告诉他们,就说你同意了。
(in=to be involved in,下同。)
(10)Could the vic(victim的缩略形式)have been in on it?
(11)What's in it for me?这对我有什么好处呢?
(be in it for=what is the benefit for)
《白宫风云》(The West Wing)
(12)A: Why is it so hot here? 这里怎么这么热啊?
B: Air conditioning is out. 空调坏了。
(is out=broken, went out,下同。)
(13)The lamp in the bedroom is out.卧室的灯坏了。
《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)
(14)Uh, hurry, Raj is on next.快点,马上就轮到Raj了。
(is on=go on the stage)
《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)
(15)Maddie, we are all over it.Maddie,我们正在全力以赴地进行调查。
(are all over=in or on all or most parts of)
《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(16)No, they are onto that. They've got dogs that sniff around.
(are onto=know about,下同。)
《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)
(17)They were onto the scam from the very beginning.
2. 由动词+介词或副词构成的动词短语
《柯林斯COBUILD英语短语动词词典》(Collins Cobuild Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs)将动词+介词或副词构成的动词短语细分为四种:
第一种: 不能简单按字面意义理解的动词短语,如 go off(爆炸),put off(延迟),turn down(拒绝)等。
第二种: 动词和后面的接续小品词一般固定,不能随便替换,如refer to(指的是),rely on(依靠)等。
第三种: 动词后面的小品词只起强调作用,不改变前面动词的意思,如slave away(辛苦劳作),slog away(努力苦干)等。
第四种: 动词和后面接续的小品词各自保留原来的意思,它们还可以和其他词组合,譬如,动词短语fight back中的fight和副词back可以和其他词构成新的短语,如phone back,strike back等。
(1)Listen, Frasier, I know this stinks, but in a couple of days, it'll blow over.
(2)It's gonna blow your mind.这件事会让你大吃一惊。
《天才医院》(Pure Genius)
(3)I'm blown away, dude.哥儿们,我完全没想到。
《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)
(4)She fears it's a powder keg that could blow up the entire city.
(5)There was a rumor going around at the station that Bulldog was going to get sacked. I was repeating it to someone. He overheard me, blew up, and went up and quit his job.
(6)You're gonna take that question or blow it off?
《白宫风云》(The West Wing)
3. 含有动词短语的补充例子
break, fall, kick, make, put, stay, bring, get, knock, move, run, stick, call, give, lay, pass, send, take, cast, go, lie, play, set, talk, come, hang, live, pull, sit, throw, cut, hold, look, push, stand, turn, do, keep
(1)Jenna, you can't let this kind of thing get to you.
《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)
(2)Your father never let these things get to him like you do.
《六尺之下》(Six Feet Under)
(3)You know what it is? He knows how to get to you.
《我为卿狂》(Mad about You)
(4)Don't let him get to you.
(4)、(5)均出自《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(5)She is doing it to get to me.她这是做给我看的。或:她这是冲我来的。
(6)I just wanted to check with you guys. This business is going to be big.
(check with=talk with, consult with,下同。)
(7)You didn't even check with me before saying no.
(8)Check with me about stuff like this, will you?这种东西,你可以问我呀。
(9)Either way, I can check something off my to-do list.
(check something off=take something off)
《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)
(10)A: How did it go with Seinfeld? 和Seinfeld谈得怎么样了?
B: I think I pulled it off. 我想我大功告成,搞定了。
(pulled it off=succeed in doing it,下同。)
《我为喜剧狂》(30 Rock)
(11)And how do we pull that off?
《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)
(12)I promise I'll be stone-cold serious in my interview. I'll even use my serious face. If you are wondering how I'm pulling this off, I'm thinking about the time when I was eight and Don Mattingly called me a little turd.
《神烦警探》(Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
(13)No need to rub it in, Ms. Scott.
(rub it in,反复提及令人不快的事情。)
《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(14)Sookie, please, I'm begging you, pull yourself together.
Sookie, 我求你,冷静一下,好不好?
《吉尔莫女孩》(Gilmore Girls)
(15)I think this calls for a celebration.我觉得这值得庆贺一下。
(15)、(16)、(17)均出自《广告狂人》(Mad Men)
(16)Can I run a few ideas past you?
(17)You know better than to walk in on someone like that.
(walk in on something,鲁莽撞见尴尬的事情。这是一位家长对9岁小男孩说的。)
(18)He could come across as a jerk, but he was always really sweet to me.
《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(19)I can't believe you fell for that.你居然会相信那种鬼话!
(20)I'm sorry to put you out.
(put somebody out打扰,添麻烦。)
(21)All I'm asking is that you take some time to let all this sink in so that we can talk about things.
我的意思是: 你不妨先冷静一下,等你把这件事想清楚了,我们再来讨论。
《妙女神探》(Rizzoli & Isles)
(22)Yeah, he never let on how sick he was.他从来没有透露他病得有多重。
《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)
(23)Caleb came by the house a few years ago when I was with a student, and he was fascinated.
(come by, swing by, go by, drop by, drop over都是“顺便去某个地方”的意思。参见下面的例子。)
(24)How about we go by Maggie's apartment first?
(25)A: What do you want? 你有什么事吗?
B: Nothing. I just came by to pay you a compliment.
《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)
(26)It's just that, well, they drop over all the time without calling.
(27)We went by your dorm earlier with the police here.
(28)I mean he came by to water the imaginary plants, and then he left.
《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)
(29)Would you swing by my house and make sure these get to Claire?
《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)
(30)I wouldn't dream of popping by unannounced.我根本就没想贸然来打扰你。
(pop by=stop by, come by,英国用法。)
(31)A: I was so psyched up for this, what happened? 我特别紧张激动,为什么?
B: Well, maybe being so psyched up is what happened, like every time we are doing police work, you are always super smart and you stay calm, and take your time, but every time we do dumb games like this, you get all frantic and act like a crazy idiot.
《神烦警探》(Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
(32)You know, she was always looking out for me as a kid, kept me out of trouble.你知道吗?我小的时候她一直照顾我,不让我惹麻烦。
(33)We put together a list of potential cabinet choices.
(33)、(34)、(35)均出自《指定幸存者》(Designated Survivor)
(34)Why is he rooting around in that?他为什么老是纠缠那件事呢?
(root around,翻找,刨根问底。)
(35)You need to learn how to set some limits with her, because, if not, she is gonna walk all over you.
(36)You know, give a heads up.你知道,事先要通知,给个警告嘛。
(give a heads up,给个警告,事先提醒一下。使用频率较高。下同。)
《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)
(37)So heads up. Here comes the competition.提醒一下啊,竞争对手来了。
(38)Hang on a second. I'm gonna give you two minutes head up on something.
《白宫风云》(The West Wing)
(39)You hang back by the car.你不要跟过来,在停车的地方等我。
《纸牌屋》(House of Cards)
(40)Anybody else want to mouth off?还有其他人有顶嘴,抱怨的吗?
《黑道家族》(The Sopranos)
(41)Come on, don't get hung up on money here.好了,不要为钱的事烦心了。
(41)、(42)均出自《绝命毒师》(Breaking Bad)
(42)My pops talked me out of it.我父母不同意,不让我做这一行。
(talk somebody out of it说服某人不要做某事。和它相对应的短语是: talk somebody into it.参见下面的例子。)
(43)I can't talk you out of this? I'm a lawyer. I'm very good at this sort of thing.
《威尔和格蕾丝》(Will & Grace)
(44)So I assume you tried to talk them out of making this trip.
《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)
(45)And I do not allow you to talk me into it.
(46)The truth is I came down here to try to talk you into going out with me.
(47)And I called it off after he died.你爸爸去世后我们就断了来往。
(47)、(48)、(49)、(50)均出自《六尺之下》(Six Feet Under)
(48)I should never have lashed out at you like that.
(49)Get over it, please.别去想它了,好吗?
(50)A: I'm about to jump out of my skin. 我支撑不住了,我快要疯了。
B: Don't. I'm just barely holding it together.
(51)She obviously let it go to her head, and other parts of her.
《广告狂人》(Mad Men)
(52)I think it all got to her head.我想她昏头了。或: 我想她被惹毛了。
《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(53)Isn't there a way we could work this out?我们有没有办法解决这个问题?
《广告狂人》(Mad Men)
(54)I'm sure you guys can work this out.我确信,你们能解决你们面临的问题。
《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)
(55)They are fighting it out, I'm the one that get hurt.
(55)、(56)均出自《广告狂人》(Mad Men)
(56)I've got a lot of work to catch up on.我积压了很多活,我得马上去做。
(57)But I got a lot of my own work to catch up on, so let's talk later.
《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)
(58)So, I'm kind of counting on you to help me out.
《广告狂人》(Mad Men)
(59)And everyone turned on me, including my husband.
(59)、(60)、(61)、(62)、(63)、(64)均出自《无罪证明》(Proven Innocent)
(60)Actually, it ties in with what you were just talking about.
(61)Adele and Kauffman were in it together.
(62)What do you think brought on this shit in you?
(63)How did that apology go over?道歉有效果吗?
(64)You just want to get this over with.你最好尽快把这件事处理掉。
(65)You can talk some sense into him because it is insane.
《护法为民》(For the People)
(66)The truth is, I always look up to you, and admire you.
(67)Well, my dad tells me. He's filled you in on our little bet.
(fill in on=give information about)
(68)You did your dig and you stuck your nose at where it didn't belong, are you happy now?
(69)If I had tried to set Dad up with a woman, he would have refused the idea off hand.
(70)Oh, Frasier, you've got to call Ned Miller and get this whole thing cleared up.Frasier,你得到Ned Miller那儿去,把整个事情说清楚。
(71)I can barely make anyone out.
《妙女神探》(Rizzoli & Isles)
(72)I get that. I don't want to mess things up, either.
(72)、(73)、(74)均出自《生活大爆炸》(The Big Bang Theory)
(73)Sorry that I'm freaked out.对不起,刚才我的确吓了一跳。
(74)I've got a subject wired up for a sensory study.
(75)Put all your stuff away. Okay, hon?亲爱的,把你的东西都收好,好吗?
(76)Has the anesthesia taken hold?麻药开始起作用了吗?
(77)We'll pick this up this afternoon.我们下午接着讨论这个问题。
《白宫风云》(The West Wing)
(78)It's easy to lash out when your blood is up, easier still to talk tough when no one's life hang in the balance.
(78)、(79)、(80)、(81)均出自《国务卿女士》(Madam Secretary)
(79)One time, I came close to shooting a woman and a baby in her arms. I was all jacked up on adrenaline from the firefight, heard footsteps behind me, so I whirled around, weapon up, safety off, I honestly can't tell you why I didn't pull the trigger.
(80)I didn't want to pile on your problems.
(81)I worked the phone for hours and finally got everybody on board with a deal that the President and Pakistan signed off on.
(82)Prison is not a very nice place to live, but I did pick up a few skills.
(82)、(83)均出自《绝望的主妇》(Desperate Housewives)
(83)Are you nuts? In case you haven't heard, our friend across the street, Beth Young, just blew her brains out.
你疯了吗?不知道你听到没有,我们的朋友,街对面的Beth Young,刚刚开枪自杀了。
(84)It was freaking me out.我吓坏了。
(85)The man cuts me up inside.那个男人让我的心碎了。
(86)He's toying with us.他一定是在耍我们。
(87)I would never turn away a scientist of your talent.
(88)Your knuckles are pretty banged up.你的指关节伤得不轻啊。
(89)I know what sets this guy off.
(90)She's my sister. She is the only one who stood by me in all of this.
(91)You keep on busting on me.你一个劲地嘲笑、攻击我。
(92)She's been through this enough; can we cut this short?
(93)I was knocked out.我昏过去了
(94)I hate to put a damper on your night, Grissom.
(95)Langdon actually tried to pass it off as a promotion.
《指定幸存者》(Designated Survivor)
(96)Maybe, you should try spicing things up a bit.
(97)I understand Command Ops took you off the main event.
(98)I just don't want to hold anything back.我只是不想隐瞒什么。
《神烦警探》(Brooklyn Nine-Nine)
(99)Why are you picking on her?
你干嘛对她那么苛刻,和她过不去?或: 你干嘛要找她的茬?
(pick on her=treat her badly or in a unfair way)
《我为卿狂》(Mad about You)