Zhuhai Prioritizes Industrial Development
Zhuhai upholds developing industries as the top priority, which accelerates the construction of the high-quality development engine in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the new important pole of economic growth in Guangdong Province. Zhuhai focuses on developing four leading industries, which are new-generation information technology, new energy, integrated circuit, biomedicine and health, as well as three advantageous industries—smart home appliances, equipment manufacturing, and fne chemicals, further extending, supplementing, and strengthening the industrial chains, making the "4+3" pillar industry clusters in Zhuhai bigger and stronger quickly, and accelerating the construction of modern industrial system.

Nanping Science and Technology Industrial Park(NSTIP)is located at Nanping Town, Xiangzhou District(the downtown of Zhuhai), divided into three areas: the main park area, GREE Industrial City, and the newly increased management service area. The NSTIP covers a total area of 7.2 sq km and has ofered employment to over 100,000 people. The park focuses on smart home appliances, smart manufacturing equipment, ofce automation and printing consumables industries and has successfullyenteredtherankof100-billion-levelparks.

富山工业园区 Fushan Industrial Park

高新区IC设计产业孵化基地 ICDesignIndustryIncubationBaseinHi-TechZone