[1]彼得·弗兰科潘(Peter Frankopan):《丝绸之路:一部全新的世界史》(The Silk Roads: A New History of the World);李庆新:《海上丝绸之路》(Maritime Silk Road)。
[2]苏尔兹(Lytle Wiilliam Schurz):《马尼拉大帆船》(The Manila Galleon),第72页。
[3]何安娜:《蓝白之城:中国瓷器与近代世界》(The City of Blue and White: Chinese Porcelain and the Early Modern World),第7页。
[4]麦坎茨(Anne E. C. McCants):《舶来品、大众消费与生活水准:思考近代世界的全球化》(“Exotic Goods, Popular Consumption, and the Standard of Living: Thinking about Globalization in the Early Modern World”),第436页。
[5]Kevin O’Rourke, Jeffrey G. Williamson, “When Did Globalisation Begin?”
[6]Dennis O. Flynn, Arturo Giráldez, “Path Dependence, Time Lags and the Birth of Globalization: A Critique of O’Rourke and Williamson,” p.83.
[7]Jan de Vries, “The Limits of Globalization in the Early Modern World,” pp.711—715.
[9]相关例子可见于沃勒斯坦(Immanuel Wallerstein)的《现代世界体系(第一卷)》(The Modern World System I)与《现代世界体系(第二卷)》(The Modern World System II)。
[10]林恩·亨特:《全球时代的史学写作》(Writing History in the Global Era),第59、69页。
[11]Peter Coclanis, “Drang Nach Osten: Benard Bailyn, the World-island, and the Idea of Atlantic History,” p.169; Peter Coclanis, “Atlantic World or Atlantic/World?” p.728.
[12]Patrick O’Brien, “Historiographical Traditions and Modern Imperatives for the Restoration of Global History.”
[13]桑杰·苏布拉曼扬:《关联史:重构近代欧亚之要》(“Connected Histories:Notes Towards a Reconfiguration of Early Modern Eurasia”)。
[14]王苑菲(Wang Yuanfei):《从爪哇到摩鹿加》(“From Java to Moluccas: A Comparative Study of Fletcher’s Island Princess and Luo Maodeng’s Eunuch Sanbao”)。
[15]乔吉奥·列略:《棉的全球史》(Cotton: The Fabric That Made the Modern World)。
[16]William E. Rees, “Globalization and Sustainability: Conflict or Convergence?”
[17]Pim de Zwart, “Globalization in the Early Modern Era: New Evidence from the Dutch-Asiatic Trade, c. 1600—1800.”
[19]范金民:《衣被天下:明清江南丝绸史研究》; Woodrow Borah, Silk Raising in Colonial Mexico;贝弗利·勒米尔(Beverly Lemire)、列略:《东方与西方:近代欧洲的纺织品与时尚》(“East & West: Textiles and Fashion in Early Modern Europe”)。
[20]Robert Marks, The Origins of the Modern World.
[21]Jan de Vries, “The Limits of Globalization in the Early Modern World,” p.728.
[22]欧阳泰(Tonio Andrade):《在枪炮、病菌与钢铁之外:欧洲扩张与海上亚洲(1400—1750)》(“Beyond Guns, Germs, and Steel: European Expansion and Maritime Asia, 1400—1750”),第170页。
[24]O. H. K. Spate, The Pacific Since Magellan.
[25]阿图罗·吉拉德斯(Arturo Giráldez):《贸易时代:马尼拉大帆船与全球经济的开端》(The Age of Trade: The Manila Galleons and the Dawn of the Global Economy);卢克·克洛西(Luke Clossey):《近代太平洋的商人、移民、传教士与全球化》(“Merchants, Migrants, Missionaries, and Globalization in the Early-Modern Pacific”)。
[26]相关例子可见于José Luis Gasch-Tomás, “Asian Silk, Porcelain and Material Culture in the Definition of Mexican and Andalusian Elites, c. 1565—1630”;José Luis Gasch-Tomás, The Atlantic World and the Manila Galleons;Dana Leibsohn, Meha Priyadarshini,“Transpacific: Beyond Silk and Silver”;Jr. Edward R. Slack, “Orientalizing New Spain: Perspectives on Asian Influence in Colonial Mexico”; Matthew F. Thomas,“Pacific Trade Winds: Towards a Global History of the Manila Galleon”。
[28]卜正民:《挣扎的帝国:元与明》(The Troubled Empire: China in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties)。
[31]Luca Molá, The Silk Industry of Renaissance Venice.
[32]列略:《纺织领域:全球与比较背景下的丝绸》(“Textile Spheres: Silk in a Global and Comparative Context”),第324—325页。亦可见于贝弗利·勒米尔、列略《东方与西方:近代欧洲的纺织品与时尚》。
[33]Amanda Philips, “The Localisation of the Global: Ottoman Silk Textiles and Markets, 1500—1790, ” p.122.
[34]Terence S. Turner, “The Social Skin.”
[35]杉浦三木:《导读:服装使用及其价值的全球研究(1700—2000)》(“Introduction: Towards Global Studies of Use and Value of Cloth/Clothing c. 1700—2000”),第6—17页。
[36]柯律格:《长物:早期现代中国的物质文化与社会状况》(Superfluous Things: Material Culture and Social Status in Early Modern China)。
[38]谢健:《帝国之裘:清朝的山珍、禁地以及自然边疆》(A World Trimmed with Fur: Wild Things, Pristine Places, and the Natural Fringes of Qing Rule),第11页。
[39]Elvira Vilches, New World Gold: Cultural Anxiety and Monetary Disorder in Early Modern Spain, p.15.
[40]Walter G. Oleksy, Maps in History.
[41]Nicholas A. Robins, Nicole A. Hagan, “Mercury Production and Use in Colonial Andean Silver Production: Emissions and Health Implications.”
[43]参见陈博翼(Chen Bo-yi)《亚洲的地中海:前近代华人东南亚贸易组织研究评述》。有关中国与东南亚的关系史,可见于王添顺(Derek Thiam Soon Heng)《10至14世纪中国与马来西亚的贸易和外交》(Sino-Malay Trade and Diplomacy from the Tenth through the Fourteenth Century)。有关遗民的研究,可见于陈博翼《陆海无疆:会安、巴达维亚和马尼拉的闽南离散族群(1550—1850)》(“Beyond the Land and Sea: Diasporic South Fujianese in Hội An, Batavia, and Manila, 1550—1850”)。
[44]萧婷:《世界历史上的“中国海”》(“The ‘China Seas’ in World History”)。
[45]吉浦罗(Gipouloux François):《亚洲的地中海:13至21世纪中国、日本与东南亚的港口城市与贸易网络》(The Asian Mediterranean: Port Cities and Trading Networks in China, Japan and South Asia, 13th—21st Century)。
[47]Molly A. Warsh, American Baroque: Pearls and the Nature of Empire, 1492—1700, p.82.
[48]Elvira Vilches, New World Gold: Cultural Anxiety and Monetary Disorder in Early Modern Spain, p.123.
[49]Molly A. Warsh, American Baroque: Pearls and the Nature of Empire, 1492—1700, p.83.
[50]Henry Kamen, Golden Age Spain.
[51]Donna Pierce, Ronald Y. Otsuka, Asia & Spanish America: Trans-Pacific Artistic and Cultural Exchange, 1500—1850.
[52]贝弗利·勒米尔:《全球贸易与消费文化的演变》(Global Trade and the Transformation of Consumer Cultures),第7、13页。
[53]勒米尔、列略编:《衣装天下:世界历史中服饰的政治权力》(Dressing Global Bodies: The Political Power of Dress in World History),第4页。
[54]Arjun Appadurai etc., The Social Life of Things: Commodities in Cultural Perspective.
(1) 原文为New Spain,即新西班牙,又称新西班牙总督辖区,是16—19世纪西班牙的殖民地,包括今墨西哥、中美洲、美国的加利福尼亚等多个州,以及亚洲的菲律宾等,首府在墨西哥城。考虑到本书探讨的“新西班牙”主要集中在后来独立为墨西哥的区域,为便于理解,经与作者相商,统一译为墨西哥。仅在指涉整个新西班牙辖区时译为新西班牙。
(2) 又称“蒙古治世”,用于描述蒙古人建立横跨亚欧大陆的统治后的相对和平时期。
(3) 原词为early modern,在不同语境和文本中又译为“早期现代”或“早期近代”。本书将其译为“近代”,以对应中世纪与现代之间的过渡时期。