Unit 12
感觉 感情 感谢 干 刚 高速公路 胳膊 各 工资 公里 功夫 共同
搭配:复杂的感觉complex feelings;感觉发热to feel a little hot
例句:我有种非常难过的感觉。I have a very upset feeling.
他感觉外面非常冷。He feels very cold outside.
搭配:感情生活a life attachment;产生感情to form an attachment to;动感情be emotional
例句:我们之间有十多年的感情了。Our attachment lasts more than ten years.
最近,李红的感情生活出了些问题。Lately,Li Hong has hard feelings in her life.
搭配:感谢信a letter of appreciation;感谢父母/老师to be thankful to parents/teacher
例句:她很感谢我们给她的帮助。She is very thankful to our help.
王东帮我解决了这件事,我还没感谢他呢。Wang Dong helped me to solve this problem,but I haven’t expressed my thanks to him yet.
搭配:干活儿to(go)work;说干就干to act without delay;干好事to do good deeds;干坏事to do evil deeds
例句:他想认真地干好这份工作。He wants to do this job carefully.
这个工作不错,好好儿干!This is a good job.Do your best!
要干就干好。If you do it,do it well.
例句:这件衣服不大也不小,刚合适。The dress fits perfectly.
小王刚去公司了。Xiao Wang has just gone to the company.
我们刚说到你,你就来了。Barely had we talk about you when you came.
刚过“五一”,天气就热了起来。It’s getting hot shortly after May Day.
搭配:关闭高速公路to shut/close the highway;开通高速公路to open highway;上高速公路to go onto the highway;走高速公路to go on the freeway
例句:修建了高速公路以后,开车从北京到上海快多了。It’s much quicker to get to Shanghai from Beijing since the highway is open.
因为下大雪,高速公路关闭了。The expressway was closed due to the heavy snow.
搭配:伸胳膊to push one’s arm through;胳膊断了broken arm
例句:运动以前,你应该伸伸胳膊和腿。Before exercises,spread yourself.
打完网球以后,我的胳膊酸疼,拿不了重东西。After tennis,I got my arm hurt and can’t lift the weight.
搭配:各地everywhere;各位everyone;各方面in all aspect;各种各样of various kinds
例句:这个年轻人各方面的条件都不错。This young man is very good in all aspects.
我非常感谢各位老师在这段时间对我的帮助。I’m thankful to every teacher’s help during this time.
双方各进一球。Each side scored a goal.
搭配:工资表a payroll/pay sheet;工资标准wage standard
例句:他现在的工资还是按照五年前的标准发的。His wage still maintains in the five-year level.
小王刚参加工作,工资并不高。Xiao Wang,who just attended work,has a low pay.
搭配:一公里one kilometer;平方公里square kilometer
例句:我家离公司有十几公里。My house is more than ten kilometers away from the company.
这辆车才刚跑了两万公里。The automobile has just covered20,000kilometers.
搭配:写作的功夫writing skills;中国功夫Chinese Kungfu;功夫明星action movie star;下功夫to work hard
例句:他泡茶的功夫很好。He is skillful in making tea.
李小龙是有名的功夫明星。Bruce Lee was a famous action movie star.
为了这次表演,他花了很多时间准备,下了很大功夫。The performance costs him lots of time and work.
搭配:共同参加to participate in concert;共同负责to jointly take charge of;共同努力joint effort
例句:“五一”劳动节是全世界劳动人民共同的节日。May Day,the International Labor Day,is a common festival around the world.
大家的共同努力,让我们按时完成了工作。Thanks to our joint efforts,we finished the work on time.
A感谢 B干 C刚 D高速公路 E各 F胳膊
1.你在这儿( )什么呢?
2.他喜欢健身,( )很粗。
3.我非常( )你对我的关心。
4.我刚学车,不敢上( )。
B:他们两个( )有优点和缺点,我也说不好。
B:我( )在干活儿呢,没听到手机响。
A公里 B功夫 C工资 D共同 E感觉 F感情
7.公司在广告上下了很大( ),吸引了很多顾客。
8.他们从小就在一起,( )非常好。
9.从这儿到北京有多少( )啊?
10.你仔细看一下,它们之间有什么( )特点?
11.她生病了,( )不舒服。
12.A:你们这个月的( )怎么到现在还没发啊?
1.回来 刚 从 他 图书馆___________________________________________________
2.对我的 各位老师 这些年来 感谢 帮助______________________________________
3.让李红 满意 他 都不能 各方面的条件______________________________________
4.身上的钱 这一顿饭 王东 够 刚刚 吃______________________________________
5.工资 她用 一件衣服 一个月的 买了_______________________________________
