Unit 13
购物 够 估计 鼓励 故意 顾客 挂 关键 观众 管理 光 广播
搭配:上街购物to go shopping;旅游购物tourist shopping;网上购物online shopping
例句:他现在很喜欢在网上购物。He likes going shopping on the Internet.
李红打算下午和朋友一起去购物。Li Hong plans to go shopping with her friends in the afternoon.
例句:饼干放得太高了,我够不着。The biscuit is out of my reach.
男朋友一直说李红还不够成熟。Li Hong’s boyfriend always says that she is not mature enough.
我总是觉得时间不够用。My time is often barely adequate.
搭配:估计人数an estimated number of people;据估计by estimate
例句:估计公司今年的情况可能不会太好。It is estimated that the company’s situation will not be better in this year.
我估计,有人把这件事告诉了李红。In my estimate,someone told this matter to Li Hong.
搭配:鼓励自己to encourage oneself;鼓励大家to encourage everyone;鼓励的话incentive words
例句:我非常感谢他给了我许多鼓励。I’m thankful to his encouragement.
李红一直在鼓励自己,一定可以完成这些工作。Li Hong encouraged herself that she can surely finish these works.
搭配:故意生气be deliberately angry;不是故意的have no intention to do sth
例句:他不是故意不理你。He didn’t mean to ignore you.
她故意把声音提高,希望能被人注意。She raised her voice on purpose to draw others’attention.
搭配:一位顾客a customer;外国顾客a foreign customer
例句:现在店里有很多顾客,李红非常忙。The shop has a large number of customers,so Li Hong is very busy.
顾客对她的服务很满意。Customers are satisfied with her service.
搭配:挂衣服to hang up clothes;挂上去to hang up;挂电话to ring off
例句:她把洗好的衣服挂了起来。She hung the washed clothes up.
李红挂了电话后才发现王东正坐在自己对面。Li Hong didn’t notice Wang Dong,who was sitting opposite to her until she rang off.
搭配:关键问题a crucial problem;关键时刻at the critical moment;关键点a critical point
例句:在关键时刻,是李红给了我鼓励,我才没有放弃。I didn’t give up thanks to Li Hong’s encouragement at the critical moment.
在这次谈判中小王是关键。Xiao Wang played a key role during this negotiation.
搭配:现场观众live audience;当地的观众local audience
例句:观众朋友,欢迎收看本期节目。Dear audience,thank you for watching this program.
当地的观众非常热情。Local audiences are very warm.
搭配:公司管理to run a company;严格管理be strictly managed;管理办法an administrative method
例句:要管理这么大的公司是很不容易的。It is not easy to run such a big company.
很多老师都认为,这个班不好管理。According to many teachers,this class is hard to manage.
搭配:阳光sunlight;月光moonlight;灯光lighting;眼光the way of looking at things;风光scenery
例句:房间里的灯光这么暗,怎么能看书呢?How can you read books in such a dark room?
他很害怕别人看他时那奇怪的眼光。He is afraid of others’strange look on him.
弟弟吃光了盘子里的饭菜。The younger brother eats up all the food in the dish.
搭配:听广播to listen to broadcast;广播电视radio and television;广播找人to find a person through broadcast
例句:小王习惯早上起来的时候边听广播边做饭。Xiao Wang has a habit of listening to the radio while cooking his breakfast.
他在新闻广播里听到了王东的名字。He heard Wang Dong’s name in the news broadcast.
1.A.车站 B.超市 C.饭店 D.银行
2.A.女的是一位老师 B.男的在学校工作
C.女的在鼓励男的 D.男的在打扫卫生
A购物 B估计 C鼓励 D够 E顾客 F故意
1.我( )这件衣服不会太便宜。
2.米饭不( )的话可以再加。
3.他是我们店的老( )了,几乎每个星期都会来。
4.她的爱好是去商场( )。
B:很简单,经常( )他,表扬他,让他相信自己。
B:那你就去找她解释啊,告诉她你不是( )的。
A挂 B关键 C观众 D管理 E光 F广播
7.发现问题很重要,解决问题是( )。
8.我把饼干都吃( )了,还是感觉肚子很饿。
9.看到( )这么热情,大家都特别感动。
10.他有早上起来就听( )的习惯。
B:我想把这张地图( )在这儿。
B:是啊,这两年他把公司( )得很不错。
1.A.关键是你的学习态度 B.在哪儿学不重要
1.掉光了 自己的头发 他 快要 感觉_________________________________________
2.不是 我刚刚 这样 故意 说的______________________________________________
3.挂 谁把 在 衣服 这儿____________________________________________________
4.明天 很有可能 我估计 会 下雨____________________________________________
5.说了 对我 很多 他 鼓励的话______________________________________________
